Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 94

Hai mr mladen, how to get the future value of the buffer, if this indicator(Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle 2.06.mq4) is used in an EA. examples to get ten forward. thanks b4

It might not be a great idea to use this for an EA. Put it on a 1 minute chart and watch it. You can still use it to estimate the next turn but it is only suitable for manual trading.

Hai mr mladen, how to get the future value of the buffer, if this indicator(Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle 2.06.mq4) is used in an EA. examples to get ten forward. thanks b4

It can not be done

The indicator is using objects for future values, not buffers (it is done so simply because there are not enough buffers in metatrader 4). Also, see the advice given by hughesfleming : future values should be used for estimation only which automatically excludes its usage from an Ea


hughesfleming ,

Funny a friend of mine on FXAW asked me about my opinion on the SP500 and I'll quote myself

"visually inspecting the chart it seems that you have already reached the reversal point if you took into consideration that entire cycle is a diminishing wave

To confirm : If the price broke the top of the last 3 bars then you are already in the up move , if not then you still have 4 to 7 bars down"

I can't post his screen shots as it have his own analysis but the last date on his chart I think was 7th of October

When the cycle comes the price follows regardless of the news , trust me on this one


Hi Minime, good to see you here again

Yes I agree that the big picture does not change, it is the intermediate turning points that are affected in this case by a government shutdown which would have thrown off any forecast. It depends on how you translate your analysis to price.


And here we have the S&P reaching its intermediate cycle peak. This is unlikely to be the absolute top but it might be the end of this particular swing. I have added USDCHF as well.


Hi all,

A good site for stuff on Digital Signal Processing including free online books/papers about FFT etc etc. Enjoy

Yours sincerely,


Hi all,

A good site for stuff on Digital Signal Processing including free online books/papers about FFT etc etc. Enjoy

Yours sincerely,



Thanks for the link. I like it very much


hi mr mladen

I tried adding the script into Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle 2:06.

double A[],B[],R[],F[];

int start(){

double stochnow = iStochastic(Symbol(),0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,0,0)+iStochastic(Symbol(),0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,1,0))/2;

int ip = iPeriod;

for(int cr=0;cr<=ip;ip++){

double stochlast = Stochastic(Symbol(),0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,0,cr)+iStochastic(Symbol(),0,5,3,3,MODE_SMA,0,1,cr))/2;



window = WindowFind(ShortName);

string ObjName=UniqueID+"Íóëåâàÿ ëèíèÿ";

I want to make automatic the long period in the period range that we want.

but i get a problem with the results, indicators showing results 0.

please what is wrong in my script

Wintersky Thanks for the link. I like it very much


Found a very interesting white paper which compares MESA (Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis) to Goertzel.

I share it here for those interested as I feel it neatly fits into the discussion of this thread.
