Fast Fourier Transform - Cycle Extraction - page 97


you must know why they call it "FAST"...(Fourier Transform) transforms FAST!


I'm no where near to a point where I can explain it to others yet but it's not a bad start of the "trial and error" process. Nice thread.

eurusdm15.png  30 kb
nzdusdm15.png  34 kb

Hello dear forum members, please help with indicator FFTfiltr. Program please so that cycles are extracted light projected into the future

Hello dear forum members, please help with indicator FFTfiltr. Program please so that cycles are extracted light projected into the future


Hello dear forum members, please help with indicator FFTfiltr. Program please so that cycles are extracted light projected into the future

Hello dear forum members, please help with indicator FFTfiltr. Program please so that cycles are extracted light projected into the future


One version doing that was posted here :

Or you can use this one : Forex TSD - forex forum - Download Fourier


One version doing that was posted here :

Or you can use this one : Forex TSD - forex forum - Download Fourier

Thank you very much! And one more question, if I may. The basis indicators of cycles is the idea that history repeats itself. This is understandable. Everything in this world moves in a spiral. But how to choose the period of indicator calculation cycle whether FFTfiltr or Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle?

Try using the Goertzel browser to find out calculation cycle. One can be downloaded from here :

Wrong link, mladen..?

Thank you very much! And one more question, if I may. The basis indicators of cycles is the idea that history repeats itself. This is understandable. Everything in this world moves in a spiral. But how to choose the period of indicator calculation cycle whether FFTfiltr or Spectrometr_Separate_Selective Cycle?

Try using the Goertzel browser to find out calculation cycle. One can be downloaded from here :

Wrong link, mladen..?

Yep Corrected