Waddah Attar Win Expert - page 24

so I have come a long way with a little help from my friends...
  • I discovered the thread author cannot read or write English
  • Dunhill wrote a hedged version and v1.2 with comments and a reverse version
  • I confirmed publically that I am not the sharpest nail in the shed
  • Tokarus straightened me out on the "benefit to risk" ratio
  • I now use v1.2 (the win/fade side only) on two different pair that mirror one another

Thank you everybody for reading, but I do not have much more that I can do here in this thread, unless one of you know how to cope with one way directional moves without retraces...I suppose one answer would be to remove the IncLot of 1 and change it to 0 or widen the steps.



Will some of you REAL traders please trade this version and method of the "Waddah" that I am illustrating and share your insights? I am a loser and have lost all my credibility over the years...So I need the real traders that are consistently, profitable to take a gander at this.

I am afraid that everybody has heard enough of me in here...

Please share your insights on how to trade this great method, eventhough it is one of those grid/martingale issues ☺...



Some of you say...Electric!

Why oh Why! do you think that the reverse version leaves danglers!

Well it does I exclaim...it keeps pyramiding until it reverses thus if the TP does not take it out it dangles up there or down there...

But Electric!

Pyramiding is safer...you know why?

The price can only fall a defined distance where it can rise forever...

ummmm....But then ONE side is risk to infinity...


The only way to trade the reverse is without the hedge and long only...

How to do that?...I simply do not know as something does not go up forever...so Waddah had the right idea....but pro's say it is better to pyramid than to fade....so do not believe everything you hear.... as with this method it is better to fade in my opinion...eventhough some may argue it is the same thing during the wait...and it is just psychological.

Have I lost everybody now?....sheesh I am lost too!



Don't be shy...Let me be your Satsang.

There is "Great" in each and everyone of you. God has put a gift in you.




Here try this "CloseAll" EA

I modified it so that you can set the "Percent of Margin" you want for your target Account profit TP to close all trades.

Let me know how it works.

....and I am testing this EA with you but just started last week and don't really have anything to report yet


ok..damn all of you coders here are really smart...thanks matrixebiz....I do not think you coders realize the talents you possess and us traders really need you...

Thanks mb, I will test the close all EA that you modified.


Here try this "CloseAll" EA

I modified it so that you can set the "Percent of Margin" you want for your target Account profit TP to close all trades.

Let me know how it works.

....and I am testing this EA with you but just started last week and don't really have anything to report yet

so far so good...

Here try this "CloseAll" EA

I modified it so that you can set the "Percent of Margin" you want for your target Account profit TP to close all trades.

Let me know how it works.

....and I am testing this EA with you but just started last week and don't really have anything to report yet


It is deleting pending orders all of the time....

even on a fresh restart...it is stuck in close all mode...


int start()



//if (AccountProfit()>= My_Money_Profit_Target)

if (AccountProfit()>=PercentTP)

Comment("Balance: ",AccountBalance(),", Account Equity: ",AccountEquity(),", Account Profit: ",AccountProfit(),

"\nMy Account Profit Target: ",(AccountMargin()/100)*PcntOfMarginToCloseAll);


Weird, it's not doing that for me. What settings are you using?

I'll take a look at the EA you posted and see if I can modify that one.


I think you are using tradebalancer right? I am using v1.2 win on two charts...and putting your EA on a third chart (cable)...


Weird, it's not doing that for me. What settings are you using? I'll take a look at the EA you posted and see if I can modify that one.