Waddah Attar Win Expert - page 14


Introduction to Hedging

I am using a perfect mirror just now as our trades have not gotten so deep. LOL and yes I am using an increment of one with a 5 step...it is very slow just now so we will be alright...I think !

There is an automatic function that takes one side out now (the Waddah Close will never take both sides out at the same time, no matter how you stagger them...however a clever input variable could cause an anomly ☺) thanks to dunhill and there will be a new entry on one side, thus throwing the hedge out of "perfectness" ☺ This all will occur automatically and from time to time you can make adjustments to the Waddah Inputs, if needed to attempt to bring balance back into the picture.

What many people that do not believe in Hedging argue about is the wasteful trading and I have read debates over and over throughout the internet arguing about Hedging. Instead, I will show you the benefits of hedging right here and right now. The answer is Hedging allows the float to move slower and time for you to react to what the market is telling you by weighting correctly to keep balance. Ok we can take a direction and stop and reverse the naysayers say....but can you put it on automatic? Hedging allows the automatic function of the Waddah EA's to perform, according to the dips, rallys and retraces the market is giving us. Believe me, I understand that weighting is the same as taking a direction....but I have more time to let the market tell me....do you? I really am not "taking" a direction...I am equalizing, while waiting for Waddah magic ☺

You will see these questions when they occur:
  • What direction have I now assumed when one side of the "perfect mirror" is taken out and re-entered with Waddah Magic ☺...
  • Have I merely locked in spread and is this wasteful trading?
  • Can I weight the hedge differently to react to what the market is telling me? Has my new goal now become a TradeBalancer™ instead of exiting at a target? The EA manages the growth of my balance, do I now become a lion-tamer of the floating equity velocity?
  • What does the increment field of the Waddah Magic do..how will it effect the exit and re-entry progression of one side in the big Hedge picture?

You are "always in" and exposed to the movements of the market. You can tread water....you can be adding to the plus side while TP'ing from the minus side or vice versa...you can chop around building ONE-SIDED increments....(the key here is one sided...you will be forcing an exit...EVEN IN CHOP! ☺) You are riding two waves with your surfboard stretched out over the top of them....do not fall off keep it level!



Can anybody see the light...or am I crazy? I have a vision of this increment thing on one side...it is very very powerful...the two EA's will decide all by themselves I think...it is hard to see and yet even harder to splain'..

I urge you readers to put both of these EA's up and watch....Just do not skim over this thread to see the outcome...we need you...



ok...I see something...

One side sold but the other did not buy...so each EA needs to have the difference of the spread included in the step...I think the buy side needs a 7 step when using a 5 step on the sell side in EUR/USD

This will not be perfect always...that is trading...

maybe the demo server is froze at the time of execution...the orders are not going through, so I will wait to see if that is the reason why the unbalanced entry occurred...again this is not perfect science...so leave your steps alone for now until tested. It was rollover time for IBFX and apparantly their demo server froze up.



balance is increasing and DD under 2 bucks...lol...this is the flatest time of day...

what is needed is a directional one way move to test this...the 0.05 start lot may be better at 0.01...don't know yet...


Start Balance of this test: $1,078.73. Balance Now: $1,081.17, step=5 start=0.05, increment=0.01, profit = $1. Mirrored approach started at the same time. Profit removel separated per EA and a close all script can be utilized to interuppt at anytime.


We need an input titled: comment for the user to define dunhill... the account history gets confusing...make it an input as we can write anything there (we then have unique identifiers too, so the dealer does not get on to this), if you have the time...


P.S. Waddah you should see what has become of your creation...I wish I could write Arabic.


How do you do coding so fast? You must have templates or something and know exactly where to paste them...

dunhill, what is your opinion about this system, thus far?..be honest I can take it, I am thick-skinned after all of these years in the Forums...


ok, extern comment now included.

ok, extern comment now included.


ES, would you like to backtest this strategy?

i know many swear backtest is only to test if codes work

but definitely no-no for strategy

but i still think metaquotes did not call it "strategy tester" for nothing

i have a combined ea, if you're interested.


here is backtest on GJ for 2008 - note settings

i recommend you spend some time to look into strategy tester

it is not as difficult as you will think.



I am not a backtester...I do not even know how...but someone here may be interested...I would be interested in the comparison of the results in testing different step inputs...I am interested in the difference....I just do not know how to do it...

Funny isn't it...hehe I have been around the block and know so little ☺



Start Balance of this test: $1,078.73. Balance Now: $1,078.32, step=5 start=0.05, increment=0.01, profit = $1. Mirrored approach started at the same time. Profit removel separated per EA and a close all script can be utilized to interuppt at anytime. EA's from post #137

ES, would you like to backtest this strategy?

i know many swear backtest is only to test if codes work

but definitely no-no for strategy

but i still think metaquotes did not call it "strategy tester" for nothing

i have a combined ea, if you're interested.