Blessing 2 - page 86


I had the same thing in EUR/USD yesterday ... 2 buys & 1 sell.

You're right. Technically, you've got a hedge going. Good thing it

isn't after May 15.

I had the same thing in EUR/USD yesterday ... 2 buys & 1 sell.

Who's your broker?

I wonder if maybe Jeff spiked v5.0 with a little Piplite

Unfortunately I don't have it any more, as I re-used the VM for another robot and removed the old files. I'd be happy to re-start the review if someone could post (or link to) the most current and proper version of the robot and set file. I was honestly surprised to see Blessing fail after such a huge following here!

No worries. The way I look at it, the less people using the EA, the better, so I think you paradoxically provided a good service.

If you wanted to provide a little transparency to your reviews, it would be nice if the set files were made public at the beginning of the trial. You have a great idea with your website... just need to tighten up your processes a little.


My broker is IBFX and I'm still on v 4.6

Who's your broker? I wonder if maybe Jeff spiked v5.0 with a little Piplite
My broker is IBFX and I'm still on v 4.6

Thanks. Now this is really interesting.

My broker is IBFX and I'm still on v 4.6

I'm using 4.6, too, but never had that problem. However,

I actually *did* have a basket close for an overall net

loss, which was a fluke, and probably due to price moving

too quickly for the trades to be closed properly.





Neither Blessing or Piplite is designed as a "Hedging" trader. 99% of the time, both EAs find the correct direction and run with it using their logic.

I have noticed, at times, where both have placed a "hedge" trade. This occurs when the market is sideways and the EAs don't have a chance to find the correct direction to run with. It happens with Blessing....rarely and as such, will not require a modification.

When this happens, it's usually at the beginning of it's trading for a new basket. If this were to happen, it doesn't matter what broker you are on, if that broker did not allow hedge trading, your broker would have simply closed both trades down. In Slacks case, he would have lost .12 cents. Is this a killer? Absolutely not!

Will this hedging rule stick with the NFA? Who knows. As long as I've run Blessing, I have not run into it's "hedge trade" and Blessing has always run well for me, just like a swiss clock.

I wouldn't worry about the weeds. Blessing does not trade hedging to gets it's profit. It needs movement and as such, that is where it will make it's profit.

As for Piplite, my comments remain the same....




Thank you very for the clarification.

No worries, I still have both EAs running. I'm not as familiar w/Piplite; just started playing with it, but I very much like what I see.


I m more familiar with blessing too

But piplite looks as safe and swiss made as blessing

Iron and Fifth really gave us wonderfull tools and already found the pairs that feet perfectly with their strategy.

The re could be some improvment to add , but it will be only on testing and testing other pairs that would also feet the blessing. This could safer our growing accounts. But hey this will be a hard job as Iron explained earlier his way of testing, forwardtesting remaning a long part of the test.

Nevertheless the 4 pairs (and mainly 3 of them) Iron chose must keep the basis of the blessing account as they've already proven their reliability. They personaly on my account always have the highest lots traded even i someday find other pairs.

Good trading...

bless blessing

Thank you very for the clarification. No worries, I still have both EAs running. I'm not as familiar w/Piplite; just started playing with it, but I very much like what I see.

Forward test

To all,

After intensive backtests (02.Jan.08 - 30.March 09) I started a forward test on 4 pairs last week.

It made about 1 % per day so far. Would not complain if this continuous.

Attached is a PDF-file with all performance data.

For more information concerning the pairs and the set-files see post 801.

Have a great weekend.


