Follow The Bouncing Pip - page 253

this technique looks fantastic. I used it the first part of this week and on monday made 600 pips.

What a way to start the week/month out!!

I also made 100 on the gbp/usd

how do you determine the bottom is the bottom instead of being another stair-step going down??



Hi Exciter135,

Yes, a lot of people do go on about the repainting of the zigzag and derivatives thereof.

I myself find that the zigzag is the most useful tool in identify the main trend and current market direction.

I also like the Fibonacci sequence and have been applying it to zigzag and 3 semafor indicators with much success.

fibo seq...1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144,233,377,610...

from above seq I am using on 3 semafor (13,34,89)

and on zigzag I am using...

zigzag 5 (610,5,3) White width 22

zigzag 4 (233,5,3) Crimson width 16

zigzag 3 (89,5,3) Lime width 10

zigzag 2 (34,5,3) Blue width 4

zigzag 1 (13,5,3) White dot

I am also using Stochastic (5,3,3) signalmode 3 and waiting for the crossover before considering entering the market on a 30min chart.

I hope this helps in your search for a suitable strategy.

All the best


That looks very interesting


E-mail Alert help

I made a feeble attempt to add E-mail alerts to the zigzag_levels indi. can anyone help. This ZigZag indi leaves small arrows when it repaints so you can back-test very easy. THIS WAS A 240 PIP GAIN!


Anybody Left


just needed a little help with a custom zig zag is anyone left to look and maybe help



Check out the candles

can anyone tell me why the two charts with the same indicators have different candles. Forget about the time frame and check out the candles.

pfgbest.jpg  148 kb

just needed a little help with a custom zig zag is anyone left to look and maybe help


Here I added an email sending function on alert.

It's just a simple addition. Hope it will help


Zig Zag


The two zig zag indicators are on top of each other. Can anyone move one or the other off so you can see which one is being triggered.





is it possible to get this indicator to work with all brokers. now it only works with IBFX. Any help would be greatly appreciated


Any help with an alert


can anyone put an alert on this butterfly

Thanks for any help

Hi all,

I've just found this thread and very very interesting. Lots of people hate the repainting like this but I like to play with it. I've read a lot and trying to trade with 3-Level- ZZ- Zemafor. It repaints heavily. I was blown up several accounts (demo & real money), but I've so far not given up to studying it and trying to find a way to conquer it. I've observed a lot and realised that when going long/short with this kind indicator that means we maybe are doing countertrend trading and of course very dangerously. I lost a lot with tight stoploss. I short/long again and again at new high/new low and adding positions. And continue to lose. After thought much I came up with an idea. Why we didn't make a pending buy/sell order just several pips below/above the bar with the indicator together with the sell/buy order we've just opened for the signal. If the price go against us, the opposite orders will be triggered and the profit is very promising, marking up the initial loss due to stoploss is hit. Just a starting idea, and just a newbie, not successful with forex yet, still looking for a suitable strategy for my own. If you guys are interested of, please help me to develop my humble idea. I because I've not finished going through all this thread yet, so please ignore if this thing has been discussed already and help showing me which post I can refer to.

let make this strategy #1.

Good luck and success to all.

if you blow up several account -- can you BET on the side that you don't believe in -- to BENEFIT from the half million that my have lost??

REVERSE trading !! (very hard to even give it a TRY though)

I think the zig zag semafor sound so perfect, we are those people who are constantly Looking for PERFECT ENTRY

but are we the stupid ones, that the bank and big boys, make us fall into the BAIT of false move

we should use our negative TRADING to let us know our own STATISTICS