Terminator Version 4 - page 4


Someone ask me by PM what is the max drawdown of the system.

Please don't send me pm about it, if you have a question ask it in this thread.

The max drawdown I saw was the last one with -5.6 k before the equity turn positive again.

Drawdown is necessary to collect good profits, when there is a correction the system see it as a buying opportunity to buy more, because of that, drawdown are not a bad thing, unless the correction is big enough like the February one.

I am talking about this demo account:

Statement: 455958 - Terminator 4.11

Please see it in the following graph.

Yellow line is Balance.

Blue Line is Equity.

Red Line is floating P/L.

The 0.0 line is the starting capital for balance and equity and the 0 line for floating P/L


hi, project1972

i am testing terminator on fxdd and i am agree about DD, but i' ve saw that in ea there is option : CloseOnTrenRev. have you test ea using it ?

is it possible to combine CloseOnTrenRev and AccountPercentageProtection to control DD ?

another question : do you think that 1000$ every pair using 0.1 lot in enought?

thanks in advance


Hello Project1972,

I read your post that you don't want PMs on Terminator 4 so feel free to ignore this PM. My question is not specifically on the EA but rather on your general trading comments so I didn't want to clutter the thread with it.

I am new to forex and I was curious if you can suggest any educational material to be able to understand how to recognize when the market is in some of the modes you describe in your posts, such as;

low risk aversion periods,

strong carry unwind periods,

when the global carry trades are going strong,

and your comment about the High-yeild currency buying looks to be in the final speculative stage.

I have traded stocks and futures for years but just started trying to learn about forex so any advice is appreciated. I also appreciate you posting your EA code, I have been going through it and it is a great help to see what type of indicators are useful.

Thanks in advance and best regards.

I will answer a PM here to not need to write it two times and everyone can read it.

I don't know about educational material, I learned by experience and observation of global markets.

Today there is an excess of global liquidity, people, banks, big traders and big investments companies borrow low yield currencies to buy high yield currencies, it appear to be a perfect plan. you borrow the yen with a interest rate of 0.5% annual and buy USD treasury bills who yield 5.25% or NZD with 8% or GBP at 5.5% or AUD at 6.25% or EUR at 4% more than that, you can use the leverage to have better buying power.

On the last years everyone did it and Japan appear to not make anything to prevent it, because that this method worked for many years and it is still working fine.

That's the consequence of the Fiat money (money not backed by gold) The world is in total imbalance and it will continue that way, because I can't forecast an exit to that condition.

Manufactures countries like Japan and China export goods and Consumer countries export papers

Those countries with high yield currencies are forced to continue raising the interest rate to keep inflation low, at the same time they are forced to print more papers to pay their debt because of the negative trade balance and it raise the inflation again, and the cycle continue.

At the same time the governments of goods exporters are obligated to buy the foreign currencies from their exporters with their own currency to keep the value of their currency low to favor exporters, their are printing money more faster than the consumers countries

At the end the world is flooded with money (excess of liquidity)

If you can see a exit to this imbalance in the short time, let me know, because I can't forecast it. Well, I can, the exit will be a global recession, it is ongoing, but manufacturing countries respond to it printing more money and flooding the wold with more and more money.

and your comment about the High-yeild currency buying looks to be in the final speculative stage.

I was referring at the end of the cycle not the end of carry trades, we had a correction of several hundred pips on some pairs but they quickly reverted an tested new highs, as always.

hi, project1972

i am testing terminator on fxdd and i am agree about DD, but i' ve saw that in ea there is option : CloseOnTrenRev. have you test ea using it ?

is it possible to combine CloseOnTrenRev and AccountPercentageProtection to control DD ?

another question : do you think that 1000$ every pair using 0.1 lot in enought?

thanks in advance


CloseOnTrenRev lead to losses only, the best and only way to control DD is underleverage and trader discretion.

$1000 obvious is not enough to trade this system with 0.1 lot. You need 100K to trade it at FXDD. Please read the first post. if you can' afford it, look for another broker with smaller pipvalue like the minis of IBFX or similar broker and microlots.

This system don't use stop loss and because that it is not affected by stop hunting.



i use terminator v 2.03 on real account 15 pairs with micro account with 10000 euros ,what do you recomended (5000,10000,20000) for use terminator versions 4 with 15 pairs????


ps :sorry for my english


Usage of MinPipsProfit

Hi, Project1972

Thank you for your EA!

If I reduce MinPipsProfit, will it lead to less profit but higher security?

Best regards,


Hi, Project1972

Thank you for your EA!

If I reduce MinPipsProfit, will it lead to less profit but higher security?

Best regards,


MinPipsProfit is an automatic valued taken from the Diary range, reducing it will lead to less profit but WILL NOT increase security because the exposition at the market will be the same. Anyway this value is NOT a fixed exit, its the minimal profit to start looking for an exit based on a stochastic signal.

If you want more transactions or more action use version 2.03 this EA is not intended to operate that way.

Listen, I worked almost a full year to build, optimize and test this EA and those settings are the best performers till now, I went beyond that and currently I have the version 5 already working from some months ago with an entire new engine, but to be honest, the version 4.11 and his settings is by far the best performer of all.

Forward Testing:

Terminator 4.10

Profit Factor: 6.53 Expected Payoff: 78.89

Profit Trades (% of total): 168 (81.95%)

Terminator 4.11

Profit Factor: 7.17 Expected Payoff: 79.98

Profit Trades (% of total): 198 (82.16%)

Terminator 5.01

Profit Factor: 6.31 Expected Payoff: 118.36

Profit Trades (% of total): 134 (82.21%)

If you want to reduce risk, raise the MarginProtection to something over 99 you can use 99.9 if you want.

You will see a message in the chart telling "Low Free Margin Available. We will not open new trades" when the margin quota was reached. this is not bad, it is telling to you that the EA will not open anymore traders on free pairs until margin utilization drop below the assigned quota.

i use terminator v 2.03 on real account 15 pairs with micro account with 10000 euros ,what do you recomended (5000,10000,20000) for use terminator versions 4 with 15 pairs???? thank's,

I don't know about your broker, read the first post, check my demos, and do you own calculations based on the pipvalue and the min lots available at your broker, do your homework.

To everyone:

After many years of trading, coding and testing, today I know that there is not ANY MAGICAL System able to be profitable all the times, and certainly this one will not be able to surviving forever.

You need to do your homework and use your discretion as a filter to know how and when to use each system.

Example: There is a trading system based on bollinger bands, it tell you to BUY when the price touch the lower band.

But there is other system based on bollinger bands, it tell you to SELL when the price touch the lower band.

And you know what ? both systems are profitable. what is the difference? your discretion as a trader. Good traders will apply their discretion to filter market conditions and they will be profitable using BOTH methods, bad traders or newbies will loss using both methods.

With this example I just want to point that your discretion and knowledge is still needed, not matter how good an EA is.


Terminator 4.11 vs 2.xxx

Project 1972,

i think you have put the terminator 4.11 into the right direction and again my personal thank you to you.

Everbody needs to understand that other Terminator versions are strictly martingale strategies with different indicators for entry and variations on money management and lotsize.

Terminator 4.11 is a completely new designed version, trying to trade in trenddirection and not like other Martingale versions mostly against the prevailing trend.

I still remember the devastating account loss of the regular Terminator 2.02 version last year, where a 100k demo account gain plus the initial deposit was lost within 3 trading days.

I personally think, that a lot of these experiences, especially money management issues got well thought out and included into Terminator 4.11.

Any change in the default settings might change results dramatically.

I saved all my live accounts in trading never because of having the "right" entry, but only with very conservative money management rules.

So keep in mind, that traders discretion should be used when and on which pairs to put the EA to work.The rest will be done by the EA.

So far i observe big differences(positive ones) with Terminator 4.11 vs older Terminator versions:

1.The EA is not always in a drawdown

2.Pipsteps are calculated for each pair by the dynamic calculator giving a certain comfort level.

3.EA can be left alone, because of the equity restriction options to not continue to open trades

Need some more months(not days) for a final statement, but so far this EA looks very promising, if some discretion and no greed is applied.

Further i thank Project 1972 for his further comments in this thread, which show his more realistic approach to trading.



Terminator 4.11

Hello Project1972 and Janus,

Thank you for the responses, both are helpful.

I'm newbie to Forex and I've read lot of materials before I chose Terminator and I'm happy, that you confirm my decision. I surely have no greed, but also no discretion.

What kind of discretion is applicable while using T4.11? Selecting only some pairs instead of all available (I've 15 on my mini-account IBFX)?

Thank you in advance,



Pairs on T 4.11

As i understand the coding of T 4.11, it is set up to trade as many pairs as available with the Brokers.(unlike the other Terminator versions)

Keep in mind that some , like IBFX have rather large spreads(>10 pips) on certain exotic pairs.

Discretion should be applied on :

-time of the year= seasonality of the carry trade

-special situations(i.E. do not just start the EA before a major news event)

Leverage suggested by Project 1972 , as default settings seems very reasonable.



have a stupid qestion,do i need to change magic number for every chart or just attach?