Traders joking, the beginning - page 94



Could not think of another thread for this article :


First the "statement" :

"Lord knows we’ve had more than enough scandals ginned up by Wall Street over the years, and the message that banking executives proclaim after each is: “Don’t worry, we’ve learned that lesson, and it will never happen again.”


And the article : How Wall Street Scams Counties Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg

"will never happen again".............................................:)



"and they lived happily ever after ... " :):)

"will never happen again".............................................:)
"and they lived happily ever after ... " :):)


Italy mystery of prehistoric hug


Archaeologists in Italy have unearthed two skeletons thought to be 5,000 to 6,000 years old, locked in an embrace.

Read more here.

original.jpg  93 kb

Тhrее swiss witсh-bitсhеs, whiсh wishеd tо bе switсhеd swiss witсh-bitсhеs, wаtсh thrее swiss Swаtсh wаtсh switсhеs. Whiсh swiss witсh-bitсh, whiсh wishеs tо bе а switсhеd swiss witсh-bitсh, wishеs tо wаtсh whiсh swiss Swаtсh switсh?


sireneven'kaya glazovykolupyvatel'nica na poluvylomannyx nozhkax


Stasera serena e'

Doman seren sara'

Se non sara seren

Si rasserenara'



石室詩士施氏, 嗜獅, 誓食十獅。


十時, 適十獅適市。

是時, 適施氏適市。

氏視是十獅, 恃矢勢, 使是十獅逝世。

氏拾是十獅屍, 適石室。

石室濕, 氏使侍拭石室。

石室拭, 氏始試食是十獅。

食時, 始識是十獅, 實十石獅屍。



Try to use this text to speech translator for any of those text



Why am I not surprised?


"Morgan Stanley Got S&P to Inflate Ratings, Investors Say

Morgan Stanley (MS) successfully pushed Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service Inc. to give unwarranted investment-grade ratings in 2006 to $23 billion worth of notes backed by subprime mortgages, investors claimed in a lawsuit, citing documents unsealed in federal court."


the whole atory


forex game -- just like scuba diving with a small tank of air, thrills

in trading bet, we just use (not enough) our instinct and maybe 1 indicator and keep on believing our impulse entry is correct; just like catching a flying object(know where it start, where it will be landed==we thought we knew in advance) hope that it recoil and rebound -- if we look at other indicators, we could be wrong

after your entry, the price will eventually move away from your entry price

so you think it is 50 / 50 that you either win or loss

but everyone could tell you , that it is unlikely to win

and holding a losing portfolio get you so much irritation

and every mistake you made probably cause you lot of money, rather than luckily gain some profit (( not in your favor ))

therefore, unless you are damn sure that you got everything right, don't dip your feet into the pool


ice cream company doing a promotion

each box got 4 icecream cone

last 2 months, I bought only 2 boxes

first box, 4+2 , 2 out of 4 got token to exchange for another one

then second box , first 2 got nothing, then last 2 got token, 4+2 again

when I exchange these token, 1 icecream for each token, out of these 4 gifted item, I got another 1 more icecream cone

i.e. 2 boxes , suppose to get 8

but I paid for 2 , I got 13 in total, I wish that in forex, it is just that SIMPLE

as when we are not watching, only limit order will get IN PLAY and exit is simply not feasible during not watching period


the poem is like shakespear old chinese, very very tough to get those meaning as oldtime people use least amount of words, so it is just like abbreviation

GSKpharmaceutical pay fines to federal govt

they use too much push tactics to sell un-necessary medication

but we should know it better-- lot of test could have side effect, statistical uncertainty, misdiagnosis, side effect could look like the symptom itself, i.e. most medical doctors are not that GOODNESS SANTA GOD -- by nature


eurcad pair

last week onwards, I did notice eurcad is ranging its weekly high and low

but my limited captial don't really allow me to bet 1 more on eurcad down this week -- even I knew that it reach high last firday, damn 100 pip there while just holding losing position on euraud (did not set up locked loss, so it drains me dry)



Why am I not surprised?


"Morgan Stanley Got S&P to Inflate Ratings, Investors Say

Morgan Stanley (MS) successfully pushed Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s Investors Service Inc. to give unwarranted investment-grade ratings in 2006 to $23 billion worth of notes backed by subprime mortgages, investors claimed in a lawsuit, citing documents unsealed in federal court."


the whole atory

I don't know about "Stanley"...but "Morgan" came from "Captain Morgan - The Pirate":), most probably:)



Italy mystery of prehistoric hug


Archaeologists in Italy have unearthed two skeletons thought to be 5,000 to 6,000 years old, locked in an embrace.

Read more here.

This is very cool.


True story from a Novell NetWire SysOp:

Caller: "Hello, is this Tech Support?"

Tech: "Yes, it is. How may I help you?"

Caller: "The cup holder on my PC is broken and I am within my warranty period.

How do I go about getting that fixed?"

Tech: "I'm sorry, but did you say a cup holder?"

Caller: "Yes, it's attached to the front of my computer."

Tech: "Please excuse me if I seem a bit stumped. It's because I am. Did you receive this as part of a promotional, at a trade show? How did you get this cup holder? Does it have any trademark on it?"

Caller: "It came with my computer, I don't know anything about a promotional.

It just has '4X' on it. “

At this point the Tech Rep had to mute the caller, because he couldn't stand it. The caller had been using the load drawer of the CD-ROM drive as a cup holder, and snapped it off the drive!



"Statement" of the day :


"The decision to cooperate with regulators before its competitors in exchange for more lenient treatment has backfired, analysts and investors say.

They had a difficult tactical and regulatory decision to make, and they have paid the first-mover penalty,”


Just a short clarification : it refers to Barclays constantly inventingdata worse than they actually were in order to raise libor rates in their (own) favor. And they have been doing so since 2005. "Statements" piling in ...