Traders joking, the beginning - page 90



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And its monday

10) Some like it long, some like it short.

9) You can study the market as much as you like, but it all comes down to luck

8) Those who talk about it the most, have the least experience.

7) One simple mistake could lead to 18 unprofitable years.

6) Some prefer to sit back and watch it grow.

5) Terms include swing trading, asset turnover, naked call, after hours, insider trading, silent partner, blind entries, 30-day wash rule, straddle, triangles, descending tops, ascending bottoms, pump and dump, partial surrender, stop order, position limit, voluntary liquidation, and explicit interest.

4) Low confidence can keep you out of the market.

3) Everyone tends to focus on performance.

2) Some do it alone, others do it with a group, and some hire professionals. and the number one reason....

1) Some positions are better than others and the best position is always up for debate! And remember, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

probably wrong U-tube, could be another angry bird one

new veetle , The big bang theory link -- may need to log onto facebook before allow you to watch it



"Statement" of the day :

Executives, lobbyists and analysts said in more than a dozen interviews that the public stir is an overreaction to a minor misstep.


Causes for a "statement" like that are the fallowing :

"JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon plans to testify before Congress this week about his firm’s $2 billion trading loss. His Wall Street colleagues don’t understand why"


"Wall Street Shrugs as JPMorgan Trades Lop Off $27 Billion"

"Statement" of the day :

Executives, lobbyists and analysts said in more than a dozen interviews that the public stir is an overreaction to a minor misstep.


Causes for a "statement" like that are the fallowing :

"JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) Chief Executive Officer Jamie Dimon plans to testify before Congress this week about his firm’s $2 billion trading loss. His Wall Street colleagues don’t understand why"


"Wall Street Shrugs as JPMorgan Trades Lop Off $27 Billion"

sad...and so it begins.....



Yeap, a lot of "good" things started as a result of an "overreaction to a minor misstep".

"Statements" are pouring in, and while more and more people are jobless (and soon hopeless) billions of $ are becoming a minor misstep for the "rulers"

sad...and so it begins.....

Today I was watching the speed of some downloads on my torrent client and I notice this:

I'm starting to think that I'm getting to into trading.

What you guys think?



An "after-statement" ... or a "pre-statement" ... or "the statement" ... forgot now which one it is
