Traders joking, the beginning - page 669

Following the vote, British Prime Minister David Cameron actually resigned, saying that the country needs new leadership. An American was like, “Can you start here next January?”


That thing with the tiny rug can't be real, can it? Wow.


I love this thread.

PS: A toast is still a toast is still a toast. Love is actually no incredience, spit yes. If she had spitted on it she won't write him the note, right? Very cool anyway.

Tourists visiting New York City are being warned about "fake monks" on the street who wear orange robes and demand money. Quick tip - if they stab you . . . fake monk.

A new porn site is donating a penny to charity each time someone watches one of their porn videos. So finally, a reason to watch porn.

 Washington, D.C. A tour guide was showing a tourist around Washington, D.C. The guide pointed out the place where George Washington supposedly threw a dollar across the Potomac River. "That's impossible," said the tourist. "No one could throw a coin that far!" "You have to remember," answered the guide. "A dollar went a lot farther in those days."
Just yesterday, Rio's acting governor warned the Olympics could be a "big failure," which is actually an improvement, because until yesterday, it looked like a massive catastrophe.