Traders joking, the beginning - page 611



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In a new interview with People magazine, President Obama said that his favorite book of the year was a novel called “Fates and Furies.” While Hillary Clinton said HER favorite book of the year was “Whatever yours was."

Moon phases indicator


I don't get how Trader Joes could be ripping off the Milano because the Milano is basically two cookies with chocolate in the middle. I'm pretty sure that's just a sandwich. By that logic, Pepperidge Farm should be suing subway — who, at this point, I'm sure has a pretty good legal team.


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The Paris climate agreement calls for countries to try and keep the temperature of the planet from rising more than 2 degrees. Or in other words, they have the same attitude about the Earth's temperature that your dad has about the thermostat: “Who turned this up?”
The big movie right now the new “Star Wars” movie. In fact, even the astronauts on the International Space Station are going to watch new “Star Wars” movie from space. NASA said it's the best way to remind the astronauts that what they're doing in space really isn't that cool. “Do you fire a laser gun?” “No ... I just kinda watch plants grow.”


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Last Christmas, you went to an ugly sweater party. This Christmas, you're going to an ugly, sweaty party.


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