Traders joking, the beginning - page 604

This weekend, one of the heads of the infamous Gambino crime family gave an interview in which he announced that the mafia was prepared to protect New York City from ISIS. How did they announce this? Isn't the mafia supposed to be secretive?


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I heard that AMC will broadcast a marathon of the entire “Godfather” trilogy on Thanksgiving. So if you want to watch a dramatic family falling apart on Thanksgiving - now you've got TWO ways to do that.



In a recent interview, Ben Carson said that Thomas Jefferson wrote the U.S. Constitution, when he actually wrote the Declaration of Independence. Or as Carson's campaign staff put it, “Close enough!


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The USDA has approved the first genetically modified apples that don't turn brown after being sliced open. The no-browning apples are being called groundbreaking, revolutionary, and slightly racist.



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We are just 15 days away from when "Time" magazine chooses its annual person of the year. There's an online poll where readers can vote for their pick, and currently leading in that online poll is Democratic hopeful Bernie Sanders. This is ironic, because I'm not sure Bernie Sanders has ever even been online.


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