Traders joking, the beginning - page 437



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a guy who at his age needs a mortgage to pay for cheap $800+K house...was THE HEAD OF FEDERAL RESERVE???!!!!...WTF???!!! Tight Credit? Why Ben Bernanke Couldn’t Refinance His Mortgage - Real Time Economics - WSJ

An Australian man tried to rob a gas station with a boomerang. Police expect he'll return to the scene of the crime.
We also learned the new head of the Secret Service used to work for cable company Comcast. So now intruders can only sneak into the White House between the hours of 10:00 and 2:00.


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Kanye West is in the news again. He was spotted smashing his iPhone in a fit of rage. Kanye was mad that Apple stole his idea of saying "I" before everything.


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In Oakland, California a dog is officially running for mayor. He’s a German shepherd mix named Einstein. He even has a poster. The dog promises to lick his opponent.

Just a normal day at the nation most important financial institution...



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