Traders joking, the beginning - page 379


Neocon JokesQ. How many neocons does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A. Go f**k yourself.

Q. Why do you never want to date a neocon?

A. Because they always say they're going to pull out and they never do.

A woman in New York is suing a Manhattan salon for $1.5 million over a bad haircut. The last time I saw a disaster like that with clippers was Donald Sterling.

this just in! #UNSC is on a meeting to vote on a resolution to establish a humenaterian corridors into #Syria through borders

I wonder what kind of "humanitarian" aid would flow into Syria?...

and stakes just got much higher... #SYRIA (May30 #Beirut 00:32) @edwardedark - Very very serious allegations: #Turkey cuts water to Syria via #Euphrates endangering millions.




Hidden secret of chart.


Bumper Stickers for the Bush 2004 Campaign

Bush/Cheney '04: Four More Wars

Bush/Cheney '04: Leave No Billionaire Behind

Bush/Cheney '04: Deja-Voodoo All Over Again!

Bush/Cheney '04: Compassionate Colonialism

Bush/Cheney '04: Because the Truth Just Isn't Good Enough

Bush/Cheney '04: Making the World a Better Place, One Country at a Time

Bush/Cheney '04: Over a Billion Whoppers Served.

Bush/Cheney '04: Putting the "Con" in Conservative

Bush/Cheney '04: Thanks for Not Paying Attention.

Bush/Cheney '04: The Last Vote You'll Ever Have to Cast

Bush/Cheney: Asses of Evil

Bush/Cheney '04: We're Gooder!

Bush/Cheney '04: This Time, Elect Us!

George W. Bush: The Buck Stops Over There

George W. Bush: A Brainwave Away from the Presidency

Don't think. Vote Bush!

More Trees, Less Bush

It Takes a Village Idiot

One Person, One Vote (*May Not Apply in Certain States)

Bring Back Monica Lewinsky

President Obama had lunch today with Hillary Clinton. Hillary told the president, "After phoning my top advisers, I think I'll run for office." And the president said, "I know. I listened in."