Traders joking, the beginning - page 296


Today gang members were caught on wiretaps saying they have photos of Mayor Rob Ford doing heroin, which is weird because I thought he had an exclusive deal with crack.


According to a new report, America's teenagers are 30th in the world in math. Luckily, America's teenagers will never understand the report because they're 85th in reading.



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Amazon is testing the delivery of packages by drone. So today U.S. Forces began bombarding Afghanistan with 'The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.


Some people got through the Obamacare process only to discover they had inadvertently joined the Navy. They ship out next week.


I used to think the brain was the most important organ. Then I thought, look what’s telling me that.


There is information that Mayor Ford tried to buy the infamous video of him smoking crack. And the gang members wanted $500,000 and a car. Sounds like Ford would make a good game-show host.


One of the biggest movies to come out this weekend was the Disney movie, 'Frozen,' which is an animated film about the Obamacare website. Kids hate this movie. An hour and a half of characters trying to fix the website.


The story of my life

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