Traders joking, the beginning - page 297


In Nevada, where prostitution is legal – true story – prostitutes are signing up for Obamacare. Which explains why the most popular pick-up line in Nevada is, 'Let me help you with your co-pay.'


Kids. Slaving away day after day, year after year, at a job you despise isn't as much fun as it sounds.

Look on the image. If something is moving here very fast it means that you are under stress. And you are fully under stress if the movement is very fast. If nothing is moving for you on those images - you are almost dead.

I can see the images as moving but not too fast nor fast at all its like an eye exerciser.


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Obama, Denmark's leggy blond PM, and David Cameron at Nelson Mandela's memorial service ... no comment

Selfies at Funerals | obama has taken a funeral selfie, so our work here is done

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Obama, Denmark's leggy blond PM, and David Cameron at Nelson Mandela's memorial service ... no comment

Selfies at Funerals | obama has taken a funeral selfie, so our work here is done

Ha ha . Best Joke of 2013. LOL mate

Ha ha . Best Joke of 2013. LOL mate

Actually I did not post it as a joke


The NSA collects almost 5 billion records a day that can pinpoint a cellphone anywhere in the world, track its movements, and map the personal relationships of the person using it. I'll tell you what this means. You know the crazy people that wear the tinfoil hats because they think the government is tracking them? Turns out they were right.


Mandela and Obama: Millions of Miles Apart | Zero Hedge

Following yesterday's "selfie-gate" furore at Nelson Mandela's memorial service, it is perhaps unsurprising that the AFP photographer responsible for the series of incriminating photos come out with a wordy (and picturey) response to explain what we all saw

Damage Control: "Selfie At A Funeral" Photographer Explains What Really Happened | Zero Hedge


This winter storm has left thousands without electricity. It's as if President Obama had taken over the power companies.