Traders joking, the beginning - page 224


there dropping like flies

its too dangerous near where you live Mr Pava

i would move!


HaHa...It is're right...Yesterday as I was walking my 1 year old on the stroller a guy in the old car with no teeth cut me on the driveway and started talking to me in a strange I was preparing to take him apart if he would step out of his car...another car appeared on that that idiot just left...but this shit can happen anywhere...:)

there dropping like flies

its too dangerous near where you live Mr Pava

i would move!


hell.jpeg  10 kb can't outrun a car...when you're with a stroller...also if an ******* is packing...then he can hit you with a hand to head combat sometimes is the only choice we got...

here is the latest joke from Detroit:) Detroit files for Chapter 9 bankruptcy | The Detroit News

"Obama administration scrambling a Detroit bailout comission. To be named Detroika"




Just when you think one suicide enough for one day: MSNBC Analyst Found Dead From Self-Inflicted Gunshot Wound | Mediaite self inflicted


NSA leaker Edward Snowden has filed for temporary asylum in Russia. Apparently, he didn't want anyone to know, but somehow the story leaked out.


Researchers studying pictures of prehistoric cave drawings now theorize that most of the drawings were done by people under the influence of mind-altering drugs. Hence the term "stone age."

don't know if it's true...but sounds kind of funny...LIKE THE BEST JOKE OF THE DAY ! YO! Daily Kos: DEVELOPING: Top NSA and DOJ Officials Have Fled the U.S. - Obama Admin. Files Espionage Charges

Some more on the subject (from the guardian) : NSA warned to rein in surveillance as agency reveals even greater scope | World news | (not the "escape" but the 'three-hop queries')