Traders joking, the beginning - page 230


A new study found that kids have better relationships with their parents if they're friends with them on Facebook. That's good because if you're a kid who's friends with your parents on Facebook, chances are you're not really friends with anyone else.


Buckingham Palace was deluged with gifts for the Royal Baby Tuesday. He can reign wherever he goes. Canada sent him a Moosehead, Australia sent him a Fosters, New Zealand sent him a prayer book and the White House sent him a Hawaiian birth certificate.


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Neural scientists at M.I.T. say they can plant false memories in your brain. No, that is not new. Politicians have been doing that for years. They're called campaign promises.


In a speech about the economy, President Obama said we've all been distracted by phony scandals. It’s time we started getting distracted by the phony recovery.


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The student and the professor of economics.A student asked a professor of economics:

- What is the difference between socialism and capitalism ?

The professor answered:

- Capitalism is the exploitation of humans by humans

The Student:

- And socialism ?

The professor:

- It's the inverse of course.



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