CatFx50 - page 92



I think usd/cad is best level for selling.


+40 pips not bad


hi guys,

good day, did anyone take these big moves in cable and euro?

hi guys, good day, did anyone take these big moves in cable and euro?

you can see this big move stoch(30,10,10) h1 time frame



Hi, Traders!!!

Well, CatFX50 has given today all the pips you need for the whole month.

God save CatFX50!!


Hi, Traders!!!

Well, CatFX50 has given today all the pips you need for the whole month.

God save CatFX50!!


Hi dear NINA

which level u sell eur/usd?

thx kaveh

Hi, Traders!!!

Well, CatFX50 has given today all the pips you need for the whole month.

God save CatFX50!!


Hi Nina

did you trade thruough the report ?? I would have thought that most traders would have covered their CatFX50 trade before the report, if not the huge spike would most certainly have got their stop ?

and the big down bar (GBPUSD) of the report was too far away from the ema to re-enter ?


yes, i did not trade during the report, as you see it jumped back before going way down.


Hi, Traders!!!

Recap CatFX50:

GBPUSD, short at 1.7754 (11.00CET). Made a low at 1.7592. +162 pips.

USDCHF, long at 1.2886 (10:30CET). Made a high at 1.2993. +107 pips.

EURUSD, short at 1.2061 (12:30CET). Made a low at 1.1969. + 92 pips.

TOTAL= +361 pips.

PD: In any case, again: in any case, our stop of 34 pips was hit.




aNina - update


changes :

- not use "0_IndInverse".

- the singal only counted when "StepMa" cross ,and not MA50 cross.

* i still not shure if it's correct,because i'm comfuse,wich cross is used as signal to buy/sell.(i know they must be both for good signal)

before i thought we look at MA50,and if it cross previous bar we confirm it with stepMA,but yesterday it didn't happen at times Nina posted,so can somebody clirify please which cross is used as a "signal".



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