CatFx50 - page 514


Calendar for today

Times (P:39) - THE first signs that Britain's economic recovery since the middle of last year may soon bring to an end the recent trend of rising unemployment emerge today in a key survey of companies nationwide. Strengthening demand has boosted confidence in businesses across the country and led them to hire extra staff during May at the fastest pace for 18 months, according to the Royal Bank of Scotland's poll of purchasing managers around the regions. Ten out of 12 UK regions registered increases in workforces last month compared with levels a year earlier as companies moved to boost their capacity to meet strong demand for their goods and services. Job gains were sharpest in the South of England, with employment in London especially healthy. In Wales job growth was the strongest for two years. The findings come as the latest unemployment data, due to be released on Wednesday, is expected to show a further rise in the claimant count of numbers out of work. However, the RBS survey will boost hopes that the steady rise in joblessness mainly reflects the delayed impact of the economic slowdown in the first half of last year, and that this may soon peter out thanks to a sustained upturn.


i feel sorry for nina and others answering the same questions again and again.

guys, everything is so easy and everything regarding the catfx rules is so easy to find and to understand under normal conditions.

why do you guys make it so difficult or more difficult as it is in reality?

(search), read (carefully), learn, apply.



Today we've had a lot of signals so far. In some cases has been a broker's feast.

It would be a good exercise, if you want to master this system, if one of you post a "documented" recap. But it's up to you.

EURUSD and GBPUSD has shown us again than they do not always trade together. Looking at EURGBP today is a good thing to do.

EURUSD can go up back to 1.2885 as long as it keeps closing above 1.2551.

Closing below this level and holding, EURUSD will be set to go to 1.2367 and then to 1.2305.

Now, in order to go up, it needs to break 1.2594 and hold above 1.2635.

Could it do it? Why not!!!!!!

If big pockets want to do it, we'll see it soon.



Hallo NINA,

thanks for Your guidance. We are as always in the hands of big money. You have put some numbers on the options. I put the "barriers" on my chart.

...thanks Subsecond

Hallo NINA,

thanks for Your guidance. We are as always in the hands of big money. You have put some numbers on the options. I put the "barriers" on my chart.

...thanks Subsecond

Well, eurusd is trading now at 1.2612 and has made a high at 1.2615 so far. It needs to break now

1.2635 and hold above.


Well, eurusd is trading now at 1.2612 and has made a high at 1.2615 so far. It needs to break now

1.2635 and hold above.


I took some small longs EUR/USD following Your comments. Sold it to buy the beer for the next game...Thanks

I took some small longs EUR/USD following Your comments. Sold it to buy the beer for the next game...Thanks


You've done right. EURUSD could not break 1.2637. It has stopped far below, at 1.2616 and now it is below 1.2594 again, trading at 1.2587. Tomorrow we have data, lets see if we get out of this nasty range.



Exit on dotted lines

Might this be a good indicator for exits?


Hi everybody,

I think I have to ask this. Can anyone say something about the use of news data? I like to learn from it.


Might this be a good indicator for exits?

Please ,post the indicator.