Introducing Mod Krista In Runescape Old School

5 六月 2015, 05:43
Online Store RS Gold

The Runescape Old School team added to two new JMods, Mods Alfred and Day, in this week. This fantastic news went down incredibly well with the community welcoming our new colleagues with open arms. We're excited to see what we can do with an additional QA tester and artist. But we aren't done there.

Today we have another addition to the Old School team. Give a warm welcome to Mod Krista, the Old School team's new content developer!

Mod Krista has been at Jagex for 5 years, and has worked on RuneScape for 3 of those. Most recently she’s spent 2 years in the monetisation team and is looking forward to a complete change of pace coming over to the Old School team. She’ll be helping with Mod Ash’s workload, implementing feedback, squishing bugs and adding in new content. Be sure to head over to Mod Krista's Twitter and say hi!

With the latest additions to the Old School team, keep an eye out for bigger and better things coming in the near future. Find more info, please following us on facebook.