Alice F
Alice F
Observer в
"The idea is to die young as late as possible. The nicest thing about the future is that it starts tomorrow."
Alice F
The other 10 top market minds from whom you must learn successful money strategies. Here is the continuation of the list published earlier today...
Alice F
Warning, you might get rich! Biliionaires, a Nobel prize winner, a Founding Father and even a miser - Forbes magazine gathered strategies of the most outstanding market minds of all times to enlighten you on their skills and techniques...
Alice F

Trading en Telecom Italia

31 августа 2014, 13:11
Situación técnica, soportes y resistencias, de Telecom Italia en un análisis realizado por Marc Ribes, co fundador de BlackBird...
Alice F
“Men are losing their grip,” wrote Jennifer Homans in her New York Times review of “The End of Men and Rise of Women,” Hanna Rosin’s bestseller. “Patriarchy is crumbling...
Alice F
Top news of the week: what is happening with the black gold...
Alice F
Главная новость недели: что происходит с черным золотом...
Alice F
A frenemy, as all of you know, is a sheep in a wolf's clothing - an enemy pretending to be a friend, or a friend who is also a rival. While it's unlikely that most of your friends are intentionally being your frenemies, they may be unintentionally ruin your purse's content...
Alice F

Do Muslims Still Need Islamic Finance?

27 августа 2014, 16:11
Surprisingly, but the majority of ordinary Muslims are not aware of what Islamic financial services are about...
Alice F

Dogecoin - la moneda más popular en 2014

27 августа 2014, 13:16
Es difícil de creer que la moneda, que apareció el año pasado como una broma, ocupe hoy el séptimo puesto en la lista CoinMarketCap cryptocurrencies. Esta posee además una capitalización mercantil de $13 millones, y mantenimiento de $ 0.00014...
Alice F
Wow. Such a doge. Невероятно, но валюта, которая в шутку появилась в прошлом году, сегодня занимает 7-е место в списке криптовалют CoinMarketCap, с ее рыночной капитализацией $ 13,117,955 и стоимостью $ 0,00014...
Alice F

Doge - the most fashionable currency 2014

27 августа 2014, 09:52
Wow. The most doge of the year. Unbelievable, but the currency which appeared last year as a joke, today occupies the 7th position in the CoinMarketCap list of cryptocurrencies, with its market capitalization of $ 13,117,955 and price keeping $ 0.00014...
Alice F
According to, by today there are over 20 types of cryptocurrency that sell for more than $1. Even more are in penny-stock range. Here are 12 most popular cryptocurrency alternatives to Bitcoin...
Alice F
It's impossible to invest without risk. There is always a possibility to lose some - or all - of your money. You might watch inflation erode your funds. You might not earn a return that's large enough to meet your financial goals. Moreover, no strategy is entirely safe...
Alice F
¿Cuáles son los valores que peor comportamiento están teniendo en este 2014? Alguna compañía puede sorprender. La clave es si seguirán esa tendencia o si, por el contrario revertirán la situación...
Alice F
This weekend let's grab another portion of useful information for my fellow beginners! Gonna be extremely useful for you...
Alice F
Fin de semana es el mejor tiempo para pensar en nuestros ahorros, porque es el momento cuando los necesitamos ;) Hay unos lugares donde dinero puede estar saliendo sin que te des cuenta...
Alice F
Top news of the week: What on earth is going on with Bitcoin...
Alice F
Главная новость недели: что на самом деле происходит с Bitcoin...
Alice F
On Thursday Bitcoin firmed above the key $500-level, as prices of the cryptocurrency continued to recover from sharp losses suffered earlier this week...
Alice F
Numerosos inversores han desaparecido del parqué en los últimos años por ser incapaces de seguir el frenético ritmo que ha impuesto la crisis. La caída de la extensión de negocio ha elevado hasta cotas inusitadas la volatilidad y, también, los vaivenes de índices y mercados...