MQL4 and MetaTrader 4 - page 1196

Dear Forum Users, I have just started learning MQL4 via the MQL4 Book, and while mostly I have no problem understanding coding examples and concepts, this one has me a little confused... maybe I'm just tired and will look back at this and think it's silly I didn't understand such a simple concept,...
Can I call a function from inside another function ? Can I pass a function call as a variable ?
Hello ! We programmed a custom indicator, which is doing several calculations. The Buffers 1 and 2 deliver correct values with the iCustom-function, Buffers 4 and 5 return values with iCustom, different from what the indicator shows in the chart window ! We tried several things, like using variables...
Hi i have been trying to solve a problem with the strategy tester for the past few days but i now give up and ask you to help me. Problem: I am writing an EA and trying to test it with the strategy tester. What happens is that the results on the chart do not agree with the with either the data held...
Hello to All Thank you in the past for all your help. The help I have received is of course a learning experience for me, but in hopes that others will benefit from my mistakes. In this problem, an error occurs 'Function definition unexpected' appears after I have modified a previous known good code...
I have a simple request for an indicator / alert or EA. Setup : Daily Chart is used only to check the trade direction. If the Price is above 10 ema and 20 ema, trend is upwards and vice versa for the opposite. Trades are all placed manually only on the 5 min chart, from the Pivot Point. Not from...
MetaTrader 4 Client Terminal Build 387 Terminal: Fixed the work of the client terminal through a proxy server. Terminal: Fixed calculation of the counter of quotes when calculating custom indicators.Terminal: Fixed the display of profit in the profit currency of the financial instrument.Terminal:...
Hey guys, i noticed in new update 388, mt4 has nice globe icon in script. Question is how to make my own script have custom icon like that?
Hi, I am looking for programer who can make an EA. My results are great on manual trading . I use 3 indicators and I achieved 543 pips just for 10 trading days without loosing trade! I know that the results may be not be like this but wanted to try, because I don't have enough time to follow my
hi, I have a small question. What is the best way to check if a particular Currency Pair is offered by the MT4 broker. Thanks a lot. ____________ Clarification after some replies: I mean how to check if a broker offers a particular pair in a customary indicator. Thanks
I have an indicator with the following code. The intent is to open an alert window when the SSA line crosses the 0 level. However, when the 0 level is crossed, there is no alert window. Then, several candles later, the alert window finally opens. I need help with the Alert section to identify the...
Hello, Sorry for my bad english. Since the last update,(version4.00 build 388), The indicator will no longer appear on graphs after backtest. I try with an old version af metatrader and it's OK. I do a visual backtest and all of my indicator in use are visible, i do the update and he doesn't work...
I am currently working on an EA and trying to utilize custom indicators on cross rates to trigger trades. For example, i am creating an EA for USD/JPY. Can I take information from indicators from the Yen cross rates (EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY...etc) and use them to trigger trades on USD/JPY. Is there a...
Hi guys, this happened before and I had to reboot the computer in order to get rid of this problem. Now, however, even after re-booting the problem remains. As you can see some of the orders are executed above the bar maximun price, they just hang in several pips over the Max. Any ideas how to solve...
FYI This is against forum rules Whether in new topics or off-topic posts in existing topics Such posts will be deleted without warning, repetition will lead to banning Some new members have been promoting a certain commercial EA all over the forum... so they are hereby given notice Promotions of...
I taught it would have been easier to use a bunch of variables defined outside of the start()-function. Because I'm using the same MT instance for development as well, appears like my out-start() variables are being reset whenever I compile something. I've tried taking the .mq4 file out of the...
I have a basic EA, but the init and denit is not working at all. Anyone know why? The server is not connected, but there is nowhere in mql4 document saying the init requires the connection to sever. //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //|...
Hello, i would like to know, if there is a way how to create POST/GET requests to some page? (I would like to make Online EA console). And also if there is some example of code to recieve come data from WEB server and then do something with it in program. Thanks for any comments
have the EA determine from the direction of price movement relative to the value of the entry price, decide which trade (BUY or SELL) to make ? . . I have seen some EA's while trying to solve this problem and they all so far enter a trade based on the values of indicators or otherwise, regardless of...
Dear all, I'm new into MT4 world and I was recommended this great forum. I haven't found through the search engine what I'm looking for, so I understand it must be a very noob question, sorry :(. Here I go. How can I add candlesticks to my 1m chart? I know I'm working with Alpari and downloaded...
  Convert to Integer function  (16   1 2)
Is there a function to convert a Double value to an Integer? In another language I've used I think it was called "CInt". At the moment I'm defining an integer and assigning the Double value to it, but it would be simpler if I didn't have to do this. Thanks.
I am learning MQL and writing an EA to carry out trades for me. I am new to programming, and have been working for two days now trying to work out how to solve this problem, with different scenarios and logic within the program. The problem I have is that I would like my EA to trade for me at a...
I need stochastic indicator with alert I use: 4h, 30min chart Stochastic 13.3.3 Stochastic 5.3.3 Alert: when K period cross D period ... and vice versa, but only valid signal is when both indicators are crossing on same bar. I would like to have sound alert for home use, and sms alert if i am out
what i would like to do is group my open orders. for example i have buy orders and sell orders. some are in + some are in - what i like to do is make an EA and show on chart different groups. 1 column has a bunch of buy orders in + 1 column has a bunch of buy orders in - 1 column has a bunch of...
  mq4 converting  (2)
The mq4 code in forex works well, but how can this code be converted to easylanguage, or C+(the basic of mq4) ? If mq4 comes out of C+ so it can be reversed.
Hi, How do you create a dynamically sized array in mql4? Is there a *new* construct? I can't even use a variable to define the array size: int totalEvents = 7; datetime events[totalEvents]; :(
OrderPrint - is it possible to send the output to another file other than the log ?
Many of my charts have points where days, sometimes MONTHS, of data are simply missing. I have also wasted hours trying to figure how the MT4 history centre works. Hopefully some more experienced users can answer some of my questions. Q1) Are the chart data and the strategy tester historical data...
  Programmer as a partner  (65   1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
Looking for an mql4 programmer as a partner. From me the idea - from you cooperation, comments on the idea, programming. Joint testing, refinement. If anything write to yuupi_como @
How would my FileOpen statement have to look if I wanted to read a tester .set file? FILE_READ|FILE_CSV, FILE_READ, or FILE_BIN|FILE_READ ?