Do MetaQuotes want to promote Market or not?


Every product page in Market there is link to share, that mean user can promote the products and  Share Screenshots of Charts via (,

that for attract visitor to (see: Achievements – Who's the Best? /

But Moderator remove the product link and make the screenshots too small to see ( ).

now i don't know they want to promote Market or not !!

Share Screenshots of Charts via – It Is Really Convenient!
Share Screenshots of Charts via – It Is Really Convenient!
Share Screenshots of Charts via MQL5.

Every product page in Market there is link to share, that mean user can promote the products and  Share Screenshots of Charts via (,

that for attract visitor to (see: Achievements – Who's the Best? /

But Moderator remove the product link and make the screenshots too small to see ( ).

now i don't know they want to promote Market or not !!

In fact I'm going to delete it :D.

(I've highlighted some of your comment there, please do read that) 

Market products has channel directly in MetaTrader 5. Every one that use MT5 can see those products without the need to visit Imagine that, every broker who run MT5 have maybe several thousand client and all of them see the product without the need to visit That's big exposure for products, because every one who use MT5 does not always visit 

Those link to promote the product, is to be used outside the, the purpose is to attract visitor from outside to visit They should not be use inside especially in forum.

Here's announcement about link to share

The main purpose of the forum is to understand MQL5 language program, MetaTrader 5 Trade Platform and both of it's feature. The purpose of the forum is not for commercial venue for some user.

I'm going to delete you product link in here There, TIMisthebest was seeking explanation why there's different price for a currency pair between brokers at the same time. Yet you answer him by showing your product that comparing quotes and spread, which did not explain why it happen. Which is off topic.

I search for all your comment you've made in this forum, mostly just your opinion, some of them are link to your product. It seems like you only answer other forumer when you can make money from him/her. And all your comment there, are not really solving other forumer problem.

Why don't you start solving other forumer problem without making a link to your products ?. I have already receive enough complain here, that the forum is becoming commercial and not helping forumer to understand mql5 language. If you're not interested in helping understanding mql5 language, for example - by giving away a free code, and only interested in answering if you can make money, then I suggest you selling your products somewhere else.

Let me give you example what other seller do in this forum - which is better that what you do.

VincentX (click that) has a product called second timeframe, but VincentX rarely promote the product in the forum (as I remember VincentX has only doing it once). But VincentX also replying and solving other forumer problem - most recently is here, with codes.

Wahoo  (click that) is a developer with rank number 3 in job section (, yet if you look in the forum, he also spent some of his time to answer some of forumer question, without asking for anything.

There are many other seller here beside VincentX and Wahoo, that give his/her time to answer and solve other forumer problem for free.

I tell you what, why do't you help TIMisthebest there to understand why there are differences in price between broker. If your question is correct - then, I don't mind letting you promote your product there, as long as you tell how your product solve the problem - which is not actually. But if your answer is incorrect, don't even think to promote your product.

BTW, VincentX also replying there, for free.

New Feature "Attract Visitors" and New Ratings
New Feature "Attract Visitors" and New Ratings
Do you like an article, a program in the Market or the possibility to order a trading robot?

Recently, some users are unable to login to and encounter http 403 error (

It appear that, a few months ago, song_song had the same problem and got advice to screenshot his browser error . That information could help MetaQutoes pin point the problem, but amazingly song_song does not want to share his 403 error experience in the forum with other user.

Disappointing :(!author=song_song&page=1 

everyone can have judge. I don't agree with you. how many product link posted by me? And what percent in my post?


Recently, some users are unable to login to and encounter http 403 error (

It appear that, a few months ago, song_song had the same problem and got advice to screenshot his browser error . That information could help MetaQutoes pin point the problem, but amazingly song_song does not want to share his 403 error experience in the forum with other user.

Disappointing :( 

I haven't do any thing for the 403 error, how can i answer?
I posted some suggestions for MetaQuotes but I didn't get answer from you, i am Disappointing too!!
see your achievements , mostly is blank

You have some 40 products and I only delete one of your product from the forum and yet you going upset.

Are you going to continue arguing in forum ? Did you ever read my proposal and suggestion there ? Why don't you answer TIMisthebest there ?

song_song 2012.11.16 08:13!author=song_song&page=1 

everyone can have judge. I don't agree with you. how many product link posted by me? And what percent in my post

 Which one is actually solve the problem ?

song_song 2012.11.16 08:21 
I haven't do any thing for the 403 error, how can i answer?

 You can tell that you had that problem and gives us a link, that will be helpful to all of us at that time. BTW, VincentX replied there, though he doesn't create topic related to error 403.

song_song 2012.11.16 08:28 
I posted some suggestions for MetaQuotes but I didn't get answer from you, i am Disappointing too!!

Write to Service Desk. In forum, you dealing with moderators. Moderators job is to welcome everyone, and treat everyone fair, and moderate the forum.

song_song 2012.11.16 08:36
see your achievements , mostly is blank

Most of my achievements are free ones - I'm no seller of anything. You should see my achievement in moderator section - which, off course, you can't.

i don't want to arguing. End this topic

You have some 40 products and I only delete one of your product from the forum and yet you going mad and upset.

Don't say me mad, i'm not. you break the rule.
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