<this topic is a joke created for "fun"> - page 6

Damian Mateusz Dziadosz:
I know a thing that gives the same effects but instead of drinking it you have to smoke it ;)
Doerk Hilger:

Yes, thats your problem, you think but fact is, you don't even have a clue about trading. No pro makes 200 pips a day, because no pro wants to make 200 pips a day, on top surely not with high leverage. You disqualify yourself already with the title of this thread, and sentences like the one above just underline it.

For those who are not that experienced with trading, please read:

1. The market does not provide that amount of tradeable pips every day. By "tradeable" I mean, trades which can be entered with a clear setup and a risk reward which suits the profit factor of a professional strategy. Therefore, daytrading pros look for setups which are good for 5/10 pips. The rest is luck. And luck is not a strategy.

2. Pros dont use magic crystal balls, and above everything else, they are professional money managers. A good money manager knows his profit factor, his rate and the risk reward ratio which suits both. Any setup must be clear enough to fit into the risk-reward ratio as good as possible. For a pro who has a profit factor of lets say 1.5 and a success rate of 2:1 (which is very close to magic) needs a risk reward of exactly 1:1 to keep his results. In case of 200 pips, this means he can have risk of 200 pips too? No, he must! And if such a pro makes 200 pips a day with these pretty good parameters, the underlying pair would have to move 600!!! pips a day, which is nothing else than <>6% every day if you take the EURUSD as an example. Why? Because the profit factor in combination with the risk reward says, that there is an average of 1 losers against two winners. And this means, 400 pips win - 200 pips loss = 200 pips profit and a total range of 600 pips. Now take the EURUSD and figure out how many days you find per year in which the EURUSD, which is the most liquid underlying, made 6% a day. In 2015 there was ONE day as far as I remember, and now take point 1, and get an idea how many of such days provide three tradeable setups. The answer is surely: ZERO days remain!

3. High leverage with 200 pips. Assuming that pros are good money managers, I claim everybody agrees at this point, a high leverage of lets say only 1:100 (which is actually not that high), would mean, that only one trade which goes just 1% (which are round about 100 pips in EURUSD) into the wrong direction, would completely kill the account, whereby the margin call occurs already much earlier. But a strategy as described above needs 200 pips of risk. Regarding this and keeping the parameters, assuming furthermore that 2% max risk per trade is ok, the mathematical remaining maximal leverage would be 1:1 - in other words: NO leverage at all. With 10% risk per trade, which is surely already gambling, its still not more than 1:5. 

Besides anything else, these three points are evidence enough, that the only strategy behind all this is obviously to kill an account as fast as possible. Nothing else.

I am looking forward to the arguments of the thread creator - if he has any.

Edit: And even if it will be claimed that the 200 pips are divided into smaller movements and trades, this would just mean, that the number of tradeable setups doubles with every divison. Three clear setups a day is already a pretty good average for a professional daytrader, but six is already exceptional. And more is addiction and by this gambling again, surely not trading. 

I was referring to points, not pips,  i wrote wrong, i prefer to count in point than pips. So 200 points a day are easy to make straight for several days, if you use a leverage of 1:500 its 100% a day. Even you said 100 points are easy, so why everyone say its impossible to a pro  make 200 or even 500 points, i dont get it.  200 points i can make in just 1 good movement. 


1. We talk about Forex - there are no "points" in Forex. The unit for Forex is either pips or pipettes (=1/10 pip) nothing else. As a pro, you should know that.

2. You cannot trade 20 pips (guess you now mean that by 200 "points") a day as serious target with a leverage of 1:500, assuming a risk-reward of 1:1 it will wipe your account sooner or later. I explained how this is calculated. You mentioned earlier that your success rate is almost a 100%, this implies a risk reward which cannot be better than 1:1 because of mathematical probability theories. As a pro, you should know that too.

3. I never said that is easy to make 100 points a day. First of all I would never use the word "easy" in combination with trading, and furthermore I never use the word "points" with Forex.

4. 20 pips with 1:500 is 100% a day? Formulas with open variables are always very funny. The variable you are missing is a potential risk of 100% a day - based on what you told about your success rate and based on a risk reward of 1:1 which you need at least, its at least that potential risk!

I bet you can make 20 pips in one "good movement", but I rather bet you wipe your account faster than you make 10 times 20 pips in a row with your parameters. And I explained in detail why. 

With this post you just proven once more that you are not a professional trader at all. There is also no need to post account statements. Clever guys like you trade - at least - two accounts same time with opposite positions and then post the best to mislead beginners. Your only chance is, spontaneously post now what you traded today or let it be.

The only thing what I really like to know is the name of the broker you are working for.


"I have a trading system that makes almost 100% a day, but the problem is ... page 6"

Makes sense now, your problem is page 6.

Doerk Hilger:

1. We talk about Forex - there are no "points" in Forex. The unit for Forex is either pips or pipettes (=1/10 pip) nothing else. As a pro, you should know that.

2. You cannot trade 20 pips (guess you now mean that by 200 "points") a day as serious target with a leverage of 1:500, assuming a risk-reward of 1:1 it will wipe your account sooner or later. I explained how this is calculated. You mentioned earlier that your success rate is almost a 100%, this implies a risk reward which cannot be better than 1:1 because of mathematical probability theories. As a pro, you should know that too.

3. I never said that is easy to make 100 points a day. First of all I would never use the word "easy" in combination with trading, and furthermore I never use the word "points" with Forex.

4. 20 pips with 1:500 is 100% a day? Formulas with open variables are always very funny. The variable you are missing is a potential risk of 100% a day - based on what you told about your success rate and based on a risk reward of 1:1 which you need at least, its at least that potential risk!

I bet you can make 20 pips in one "good movement", but I rather bet you wipe your account faster than you make 10 times 20 pips in a row with your parameters. And I explained in detail why. 

With this post you just proven once more that you are not a professional trader at all. There is also no need to post account statements. Clever guys like you trade - at least - two accounts same time with opposite positions and then post the best to mislead beginners. Your only chance is, spontaneously post now what you traded today or let it be.

The only thing what I really like to know is the name of the broker you are working for.

Straight off the Forex dictionary - "pipette" is correct. However, I have never heard traders talk in pipettes. "Point" - another name if you will for pipette is the commonly used term amongst the majority of traders. Maybe not focus on the comments that are really of no significance when we all know exactly what he is talking about. :)
Straight off the Forex dictionary - "pipette" is correct. However, I have never heard traders talk in pipettes. "Point" - another name if you will for pipette is the commonly used term amongst the majority of traders. Maybe not focus on the comments that are really of no significance when we all know exactly what he is talking about. :)
I also heard it for the very first time some months ago and I thought these guys are kidding me ;) Well, as long as I dont walk on the surface of water I allow myself to be wrong sometimes and to learn. If point is also common, then I was mistaking at this point and/or missing this term. Thank you. 

Well if some 1 is really making 100% or even 50% a day then its very stupid to be here 

why should i even share or make some kind of EA or indicator if i am really making this much profit why should i share my secrets

and if this is to make money only then even 100$ can make u milioner if your system really works i think you are in wrong place and trying to act smarter


Hi my fellow traders, i have a trading strategy that makes around 100% a day on forex, using 1:500 leverage, and given good liquidity market,  and one loss is very rare, like 1 in 50 times i say i can have one with a prox 30% to 50 drawdown. But the problem is that to me this strategy is to simple. How noone can see this.  I tried it on forex, stocks, futures, and work on everyone of them, so in fact very few must trade like this system, because work so well. My question is how something so simple, that uses just a modificiation of a common indicator that everyone uses, can make so much, when everyone else say that trading is so difficult. 

Trading for you, it may be simple, but for others it may not be that simple.  For example for some people skating is easy, while for others it is not that easy.  Anyway thank you for the tips, I should take a deeper look on RSI. 
Iwan Iskandar:
Trading for you, it may be simple, but for others it may not be that simple.  For example for some people skating is easy, while for others it is not that easy.  Anyway thank you for the tips, I should take a deeper look on RSI. 
No, its definitely not simple for him as well it is not simple for anybody else on this planet. Please dont buy such claims. Furthermore, forget the RSI, even if you find a win rate of more than 50% after you took a deeper look, because, what then? A success rate of higher than 50% does not mean that one is profitable. Success rate is only one single parameter of the whole formula, risk reward ratio is the other and in the end its only the profit factor. Its much more profitable to take a deeper look into risk & money management issues and into the market itself, that you want to trade.
What , I understand is that Forex market is Traded across the Globe Daily 24 x 5 and this not only includes Individuals but Small Financial institutions  as well big Banks and In my View Robots can't fully reliable to do our Task when Brilliant Trader's are working day and night to find the right place to enter and exit.