AI 2023. Meet ChatGPT. - page 77


Remember the question about ChatGPT's depth of knowledge?

Looks like the bottom has already been found in one place:

What is cosmic gas dynamics?



Cosmic gas dynamics is a field of science that studies the motion of gases in space, including the interaction of gases with magnetic fields and gravitational forces, and their effects on the environment, including planets, stars, and other space objects.

Space gas dynamics has many practical applications, including the development and testing of spacecraft, the study of planetary magnetospheres and atmospheres, the modelling and prediction of space weather conditions, and the study of gas clouds and star formation.

network error


State the basic concepts of gas dynamics



Gas dynamics is a branch of physics that studies the motion of gases. The basic concepts of gas dynamics include:

  1. Pressure: The pressure of a gas is the force acting on a unit surface area. It is usually measured in pascals or atmospheres.

  2. Density: The density of a gas is defined as the mass of a unit volume. It is measured in kilograms per cubic metre (kg/m³).

  3. Temp

network error


Describe how the dynamics of a gas differs from the dynamics of an incompressible fluid in the mathematical formulae and concepts of statistical physics.



The dynamics of a gas and an incompressible fluid have a number of significant differences that can be described by mathematical formulae and concepts of statistical physics.

The first difference is that gases are compressible, whereas liquids are essentially incompressible. This means that a change in pressure in a gas results in a change in its volume, whereas a change in pressure in a liquid results only in a change in its shape. In turn, these differences lead to

network error


Consider the quantities determining the state of a gas from the point of view of statistical physics.



In statistical physics, the state of a gas is determined by the distribution of molecules in space and their motion, which can be described by the following quantities:

  1. Energy is the sum of the kinetic and potential energy of all molecules in the gas. Energy is a fundamental quantity and can be used to describe the temperature of a gas.

network error

And finally...(drum roll) THE RIGHT ANSWER!!! (sorry the Chat was down from the voltage. The plugs were blown.)


What is the state when macroscopic quantities characterising a system are equal to their averages with high precision?



Such a state is called a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. In a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, the macroscopic quantities of the system, such as temperature, pressure, density, etc., have the same values in different parts of the system and do not change with time. This means that the system is in a stable equilibrium state where only small fluctuations occur.

network error

Here are some first pages from the book on cosmic gas dynamics by V.G. Gorbatsky (1977) on the basis of which I formed questions for ChatGPT :


Tomorrow we will continue testing and measuring the "depth" of knowledge.

Just in case I will double-check the results of questions on the topic of cosmic gas dynamics. What if the Chat did not respond well due to problems with the connection or the server?

We need objective and unbiased conclusions.



Nikolai Semko #:


Dress it up in abibas and teach it to husk seeds - you won't be able to tell the difference from a human being at all!


I decided to repeat yesterday's questions that caused Network error to make sure that the reason is not in connection with the server.


What is cosmic gas dynamics?


Cosmic gas dynamics is a field of science that studies the motion of gases in cosmic environments, including the atmospheres of planets, stars, and galaxies. Cosmic gas dynamics combines knowledge from many fields, including astrophysics, plasma physics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, and many others.

Space gas dynamics studies physical processes such as turbulence, convection, diffusion and radiative transport in gases. It also deals with modelling and numerical simulation of space gas flows and studies their interaction with the surrounding space.

Cosmic gas dynamics has a wide range of applications, including studying planetary atmospheres and their climatic changes, understanding the evolution of stars and galaxies, modelling plasma processes in outer space and predicting space weather.

Outline the basic concepts of gas dynamics


Gas dynamics is a branch of physics that studies the motion of gases, their properties and their interaction with other objects. The basic concepts of gas dynamics are:

  1. Gas is a state of matter in which its molecules move freely in space and are not bound together in any way.

  2. Pressure is the force acting on a unit surface area. In gases, pressure depends on the number of molecules, their velocities, and the force of their interaction.

  3. Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance. In gases, temperature is related to their pressure and volume.

  4. Volume is the space occupied by a gas. The volume of a gas depends on its pressure, temperature, and number of molecules.

  5. The speed of sound is the speed of propagation of sound waves in a gas. It depends on its density and temperature.

  6. Mass flux is the amount of gas passing through a given surface per unit time. The mass flux of a gas depends on its velocity and density.

  7. An equation of state is a mathematical expression that describes the relationship between the pressure, volume, temperature and amount of matter of a gas. Different equations of state are used depending on specific conditions and problems.

These concepts are widely used in various fields related to gas dynamics, including aerodynamics, space gas dynamics, fluid and gas mechanics, heat transfer, and others.


Describe how gas dynamics differs from incompressible fluid dynamics in the mathematical formulae and concepts of statistical physics.


First attempt: wrote something, but then gave Network error.

Second attempt:

Gas dynamics and incompressible fluid dynamics differ in several aspects, including mathematical formulae and concepts of statistical physics.

  1. State of the medium: Gases can exist in different states defined by pressure, temperature, and volume. While an incompressible liquid cannot be compressed or stretched, its volume remains constant. Therefore, the mathematical formulae used to describe the dynamics of a gas and a liquid are different.

  2. Kinetic energy: The kinetic energy of gas molecules is higher than that of liquid molecules because gas molecules move freely in space and collide with each other at a higher speed than liquid molecules. Therefore, statistical physics concepts such as average kinetic energy of molecules and temperature are different for gas and liquid.

  3. Equations of state: The equations of state for gas and liquid are different. For a gas, equations of state are used that take into account pressure, temperature, and amount of matter, as well as properties of the gas molecules, such as their sizes and masses. For an incompressible liquid, the equation of state relates pressure and density.

  4. Transport properties: The transport properties of gases and liquids are also different. Diffusion and convection occur faster in gases than in liquids because gas molecules are free to move and liquid molecules are more tightly bound together.

In general, gas dynamics and incompressible fluid dynamics have differences in mathematical formulae and concepts of statistical physics because of differences in the properties of gases and liquids, their states and transport properties.

Consider the quantities that determine the state of a gas from the perspective of statistical physics.


First attempt:


The state of a gas in statistical physics is defined through a number of quantities that describe the state and motion of the molecules in the gas. Some of these quantities include:

  1. Pressure (P): The pressure of a gas is a measure of the collision force between the gas molecules and the walls of the vessel in which the gas resides. In statistical physics, the pressure of a gas is related to the average kinetic energy of the molecules.
network error

Second attempt:

In statistical physics, the state of a gas is described through a number of quantities that define the statistical properties of molecular motion. Some of these quantities include:

  1. Energy: The energy of a gas is related to the kinetic energy of the gas molecules, which is determined by their velocity and mass. In statistical physics, the energy of a gas can be expressed through the average kinetic energy of the molecules, which is a function of temperature.

  2. Pressure: The pressure of a gas is determined by the collisions of the molecules with the surface they are on. In statistical physics, the pressure of a gas can be expressed through the average of the number of collisions of molecules with a surface per unit time.

  3. Temperature: The temperature of a gas is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules. In statistical physics, temperature can be expressed through the average kinetic energy of molecules or through the velocity distribution of molecules.

  4. Volume: The volume of a gas is a measure of the space occupied by molecules. In statistical physics, the volume of a gas can be expressed through the average distance between molecules.

  5. Quantity of matter: The quantity of matter of a gas, expressed in moles, determines the number of molecules in the system. In statistical physics, the amount of matter can be expressed through the average number of molecules in a system.

In general, statistical physics allows the state of a gas to be defined through macroscopic parameters such as pressure, volume, and temperature related to the statistical properties of molecular motion.


What is the state when the macroscopic quantities characterising a system are equal to their averages with high precision?


Such a state is called a state of thermodynamic equilibrium. In a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, the macroscopic parameters of the system, such as temperature, pressure, volume and concentration, remain constant with time and are equal to their mean values. This state is characterised by the fact that the energy in the system is distributed as uniformly as possible. In thermodynamic equilibrium, the system is in a stable state and has no macroscopic fluxes or changes.


Ask the AI how to end all wars and crises.


So the problem is indeed with the network (as the error indicated).

Good. Realising that for ChatGPT there is no distinction between "complex" and "simple" questions in the field of theoretical materials on which it was taught, we will not look for white spots in them. It is pointless to do so. Even if such spots are found, it will only mark the boundary of the training data, which can always be supplemented and will not help to reveal the limitations of the technology and application of this AI.

Back to the initial criteria:

  1. Quality, completeness and accuracy of the subject description.
  2. Accuracy and structured presentation of data in tables.
  3. Limit of problem solving.
The third point has been asked for a long time. So-called "complexity tolerance" to tasks.

Find the hour angles of the stars Castor (alpha Gemini) and Sheath (beta Pegasus) when the hour angle of the star Vega (alpha Lyra) is 4 hours 15 minutes and 10 seconds. The direct ascension of Castor is 7 hours 31 minutes and 25 seconds, Vega 18 hours 35 minutes and 15 seconds and Sheath 23 hours 01 minutes and 21 seconds.



To solve this problem, use the formula for calculating the hour angle of a star from its direct ascension and local sidereal time:

$H = ST - \alpha$

where $H$ is the hour angle of the star, $S$ is the local sidereal time, $\alpha$ is the direct ascension of the star.

Let's translate h

network error

There was an error generating a response

Second attempt:


2 / 2

The hour angle (H) of a star is defined as the difference between the current stellar time and the direct ascension of the star. Stellar time can be calculated using the formula:

GST = 6.697374558 + 0.06570982441908 * D + 1.00273790935 * UT,

where GST is the sidereal time in Greenwich Mean Time, D is the day of the year (1 January = 1), and UT is Universal Time.

In this case, for Vega, the sidereal time can be calculated as follows:

D = 82 (23 March) UT = 4 hours 15 minutes 10 seconds = 4.252778 hours GST = 6.697374558 + 0.06570982441908 * 82 + 1.00273790935 * 4.252778 = 18.71264838388574 hours

Now we can calculate the hour angles for each star:

H_Castor = GST - direct ascension_Castor = 18.71264838388574 - 7.523611111111111 = 11.189037272774628 hours

H_Sheatha = GST - direct ascension_Sheatha = 18.71264838388574 - 23.0225 = -4.309851616114262 hours

Note that we got a negative hour angle

network error

There was an error generating a response

Was this response better or worse?

Better Worse Same

Third attempt:


To solve this problem, we must find the difference between the hour angle of Vega and the hour angle of each of the stars, and then calculate the hour angles of Castor and Sheath based on the difference.

The hour angle of Vega at the time when its hour angle is 4 hours 15 minutes 10 seconds can be expressed as follows:

Vega's hour angle = (4 hours + 15 minutes + 10 seconds) * 15 degrees/hour = 63.75 degrees

We can then calculate the difference between Vega's hour angle and the hour angle of each of the stars:

  • The difference between Vega's hour angle and Castor's hour angle:

Δα = Vega's hour angle - Castor's direct ascension = 63.75 degrees - (7 hours + 31 minutes + 25 seconds) * 15 degrees/hour = -92.25 degrees

  • Difference between the hour angle of Vega and the hour angle of Sheath:

Δβ = Vega's hour angle - Sheath's direct ascent = 63.75 degrees - (23 hours + 1 minute + 21 seconds) * 15 degrees/hour = -194.25 degrees

And finally, we can calculate the hourly y

network error
There was an error generating a response

This astronomical task ChatGPT cannot solve since yesterday. Each attempt is different in approach, symbols and formulas. It's as if it's consistently picking the correct method from a list, but doesn't know which one.

It is interesting that ChatGPT does not admit to the user that it is unable to solve a problem of this level of complexity and keeps failing on new attempts (there were six attempts in total).
