#property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_color2 Green int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[])like this??
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| for lim indi 2.mq4 | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict #property indicator_chart_window //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int OnInit() { //--- indicator buffers mapping //--- return(INIT_SUCCEEDED); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_color2 Green #property indicator_color3 White input int Length = 50; input bool ShowReg = true; input color RegPhColor = Red; input color RegPlColor = Green; input bool ShowMiss = true; input color MissPhColor = Red; input color MissPlColor = Green; int LabelCounter; double PivotHigh[]; double PivotLow[]; double FollowMax[]; double FollowMin[]; double GhostLevel[]; int FollowMaxX[]; int FollowMinX[]; int MaxX[]; int MinX[]; int Zigzag[]; double Px1[]; double Py1[]; int OnCalculate(int index) { int n = index; PivotHigh[index] = iHigh(NULL,0,Length,Length); PivotLow[index] = iLow(NULL,0,Length,Length); FollowMax[index] = MathMax(iHigh(NULL,0,Length,0),FollowMax[index-1]); FollowMin[index] = MathMin(iLow(NULL,0,Length,0),FollowMin[index-1]); if (FollowMax[index] > FollowMax[index-1]) { FollowMaxX[index] = n-Length; FollowMin[index] = iLow(NULL,0,Length,0); } if (FollowMin[index] < FollowMin[index-1]) { FollowMinX[index] = n-Length; FollowMax[index] = iHigh(NULL,0,Length,0); } if (FollowMin[index] < FollowMin[index-1]) FollowMinX[index] = n-Length; if (FollowMax[index] > FollowMax[index-1]) FollowMaxX[index] = n-Length; if (PivotHigh[index] == 0) return 0; if (ShowMiss) { if (PivotHigh[index-1] == 0) { LabelCounter++; LabelCounter = min(LabelCounter,499); ObjectCreate("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJ_LABEL,0,MinX[index-1],PivotLow[index-1]-0.5Point,MinX[index-1]+100,PivotLow[index-1]+0.5Point); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_COLOR,MissPlColor); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_BACK,false); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR,RGBA(0,0,0,0)); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_LEVELSTYLE,STYLE_DASHDOT); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToStr(Low[i],Digits)); double pivothigh=0.0; double pivotlow=0.0; double max=0.0,min=0.0; double follow_max=0.0,follow_min=0.0; int max_x1=0,min_x1=0,follow_max_x1=0,follow_min_x1=0; int length=50; bool show_reg=true; color reg_ph_css=clrRed; color reg_pl_css=clrGreen; bool show_miss=true; color miss_ph_css=clrRed; color miss_pl_css=clrGreen; color label_css=clrWhite; int n=0; double os=0.0,py1=0.0,px1=0.0; int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { for(n=0; n<rates_total; n++) { pivothigh=iPivot(high, n, length, length, PRICE_HIGH); pivotlow=iPivot(low, n, length, length, PRICE_LOW); max=MathMax(high[n],max); min=MathMin(low[n],min); follow_max=MathMax(high[n],follow_max); follow_min=MathMin(low[n],follow_min); if(max>max[1]) { max_x1=n-length; follow_min=low[n]; } if(min<min[1]) { min_x1=n-length; follow_max=high[n]; } if(follow_min<follow_min[1]) follow_min_x1=n-length; if(follow_max>follow_max[1]) follow_max_x1=n-length; if(pivothigh!=0) { if(show_miss) { if(os[1]==1) void OnStart() { int n = LabelCounter; double min_x1 = ObjectGet("MissedLow" + n, OBJPROP_X1); double min = ObjectGet("MissedLow" + n, OBJPROP_Y1); string label_css = "Arial,14,0"; ObjectCreate("missed_low_" + n, OBJ_LABEL, 0, min_x1, min, Label("👻", min_x1, min, label_css)); ObjectSet("missed_low_" + n, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_LABEL_UP); ObjectSet("missed_low_" + n, OBJPROP_TOOLTIP, DoubleToStr(min, 5)); ObjectSet("missed_low_" + n, OBJPROP_SIZE, SIZE_SMALL); double px1 = ObjectGet("zigzag_" + n, OBJPROP_X1); double py1 = ObjectGet("zigzag_" + n, OBJPROP_Y1); ObjectCreate("zigzag_" + n, OBJ_TREND, 0, px1, py1, min_x1, min); ObjectSet("MissedLow" + n, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT); } double AverageTrueRange(int symbol, int timeframe, int period) { double sum = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < period; i++) { sum += TrueRange(symbol, timeframe, i); } return (sum / period); } AFTER CHANGE, IT WILL BE OnCalculate function not found in custom indicator '{' - unbalanced parentheses '}' - unexpected end of program

- 2023.02.04
- www.mql5.com
mt4 money #:
OnCalculate function not found in custom indicator
'{' - unbalanced parentheses
'}' - unexpected end of program
Please edit your original post and last post and use the CODE button (or Alt+S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.)
General rules and best pratices of the Forum. - General - MQL5 programming forum (2019)
Messages Editor-
You can have only one OnCalculate.
- You can not have OnStart and OnCalculate.
if (ShowMiss) { if (PivotHigh[index-1] == 0) {
Where are those closing braces?
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| for lim indi 2.mq4 | //| Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp. | //| https://www.mql5.com | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2022, MetaQuotes Software Corp." #property link "https://www.mql5.com" #property version "1.00" #property strict #property indicator_chart_window //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Custom indicator iteration function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property indicator_chart_window #property indicator_buffers 3 #property indicator_color1 Red #property indicator_color2 Green #property indicator_color3 White double buffer[]; int OnInit() { SetIndexBuffer(0, buffer, INDICATOR_DATA); #define INIT_SUCCESS true } int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { // Your calculation logic goes here return(rates_total); } input int Length = 50; input bool ShowReg = true; input color RegPhColor = Red; input color RegPlColor = Green; input bool ShowMiss = true; input color MissPhColor = Red; input color MissPlColor = Green; int LabelCounter; double PivotHigh[]; double PivotLow[]; double FollowMax[]; double FollowMin[]; double GhostLevel[]; int FollowMaxX[]; int FollowMinX[]; int MaxX[]; int MinX[]; int Zigzag[]; double Px1[]; double Py1[]; int OnCalculate(int index) { int n = index; PivotHigh[index] = iHigh(NULL,0,Length,Length); PivotLow[index] = iLow(NULL,0,Length,Length); FollowMax[index] = MathMax(iHigh(NULL,0,Length,0),FollowMax[index-1]); FollowMin[index] = MathMin(iLow(NULL,0,Length,0),FollowMin[index-1]); if (FollowMax[index] > FollowMax[index-1]) { FollowMaxX[index] = n-Length; FollowMin[index] = iLow(NULL,0,Length,0); } if (FollowMin[index] < FollowMin[index-1]) { FollowMinX[index] = n-Length; FollowMax[index] = iHigh(NULL,0,Length,0); } if (FollowMin[index] < FollowMin[index-1]) FollowMinX[index] = n-Length; if (FollowMax[index] > FollowMax[index-1]) FollowMaxX[index] = n-Length; if (PivotHigh[index] == 0) return 0; if (ShowMiss) { if (PivotHigh[index-1] == 0) { LabelCounter++; LabelCounter = min(LabelCounter,499); ObjectCreate("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJ_LABEL,0,MinX[index-1],PivotLow[index-1]-0.5Point,MinX[index-1]+100,PivotLow[index-1]+0.5Point); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_COLOR,MissPlColor); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_BACK,false); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_LEVELCOLOR,RGBA(0,0,0,0)); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_LEVELSTYLE,STYLE_DASHDOT); ObjectSet("MissedLow"+LabelCounter,OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToStr(Low[i],Digits)); double pivothigh=0.0; double pivotlow=0.0; double max=0.0,min=0.0; double follow_max=0.0,follow_min=0.0; int max_x1=0,min_x1=0,follow_max_x1=0,follow_min_x1=0; int length=50; bool show_reg=true; color reg_ph_css=clrRed; color reg_pl_css=clrGreen; bool show_miss=true; color miss_ph_css=clrRed; color miss_pl_css=clrGreen; color label_css=clrWhite; int n=0; double os=0.0,py1=0.0,px1=0.0; int OnCalculate(const int rates_total, const int prev_calculated, const datetime &time[], const double &open[], const double &high[], const double &low[], const double &close[], const long &tick_volume[], const long &volume[], const int &spread[]) { for(n=0; n<rates_total; n++) { pivothigh=iPivot(high, n, length, length, PRICE_HIGH); pivotlow=iPivot(low, n, length, length, PRICE_LOW); max=MathMax(high[n],max); min=MathMin(low[n],min); follow_max=MathMax(high[n],follow_max); follow_min=MathMin(low[n],follow_min); if(max>max[1]) { max_x1=n-length; follow_min=low[n]; } if(min<min[1]) { min_x1=n-length; follow_max=high[n]; } if(follow_min<follow_min[1]) follow_min_x1=n-length; if(follow_max>follow_max[1]) follow_max_x1=n-length; if(pivothigh!=0) { if(show_miss) { if(os[1]==1) void OnStart() { int n = LabelCounter; double min_x1 = ObjectGet("MissedLow" + n, OBJPROP_X1); double min = ObjectGet("MissedLow" + n, OBJPROP_Y1); string label_css = "Arial,14,0"; ObjectCreate("missed_low_" + n, OBJ_LABEL, 0, min_x1, min, Label("👻", min_x1, min, label_css)); ObjectSet("missed_low_" + n, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_LABEL_UP); ObjectSet("missed_low_" + n, OBJPROP_TOOLTIP, DoubleToStr(min, 5)); ObjectSet("missed_low_" + n, OBJPROP_SIZE, SIZE_SMALL); double px1 = ObjectGet("zigzag_" + n, OBJPROP_X1); double py1 = ObjectGet("zigzag_" + n, OBJPROP_Y1); ObjectCreate("zigzag_" + n, OBJ_TREND, 0, px1, py1, min_x1, min); ObjectSet("MissedLow" + n, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT); } double AverageTrueRange(int symbol, int timeframe, int period) { double sum = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < period; i++) { sum += TrueRange(symbol, timeframe, i); } return (sum / period); }
After that, the other 3 questions are,
{ double sum = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < period; i++) { sum += TrueRange(symbol, timeframe, i); } return (sum / period); } '}' - unexpected end of program
{ int n = index; PivotHigh[index] = iHigh(NULL,0,Length,Length); PivotLow[index] = iLow(NULL,0,Length,Length); FollowMax[index] = MathMax(iHigh(NULL,0,Length,0),FollowMax[index-1]); FollowMin[index] = MathMin(iLow(NULL,0,Length,0),FollowMin[index-1]); if (FollowMax[index] > FollowMax[index-1]) '{' - unbalanced parentheses
{ SetIndexBuffer(0, buffer, INDICATOR_DATA); #define INIT_SUCCESS true } '}' - not all control paths return a value
Hello . Let's start with the basics are you feeding the suggestions made here to chatGPT ? There is no shame in that just it looks like you are asking it to change things based on the advice here .
I could be wrong , i have 30mins before the ⚽️ i'll take a look .
But if you used chatGPT you will send it the correct code as well , if you don't mind.
(sorry for the abysmal order of words , i'm having the 1st coffee now)
EDIT : This code is not workable , i'm sorry . What is the indicator supposed to do ?
Hello . Let's start with the basics are you feeding the suggestions made here to chatGPT ? There is no shame in that just it looks like you are asking it to change things based on the advice here .
I could be wrong , i have 30mins before the ⚽️ i'll take a look .
But if you used chatGPT you will send it the correct code as well , if you don't mind.
(sorry for the abysmal order of words , i'm having the 1st coffee now)
EDIT : This code is not workable , i'm sorry . What is the indicator supposed to do ?
Pivot Points High/Low, sometimes referred to as "Bar Count Reversals" allows highlighting market prices local tops and bottoms. This method compares the price value at a certain index within a user-specified window length and tests whether it is the highest ( pivot high) or lowest ( pivot low).
So fractals in essence .
And just out of curiosity how did you ask ChatGPT for it ?
It is "cute" it tried to have 2 oncalculate functions as it understood theres 2 separate calculations , i think .

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have three problem which is,
#property' - semicolon expected line 35
'}' - unexpected end of program line 182
'{' - unbalanced parentheses line 65