The future of the Forex industry - page 37


Well, there you have it, quite a reasonable and thorough answer. I will just give some comments.

There is no state without a state, unless one chooses the fate of Robinson).

Sadly so, these vile states have overrun almost the entire planet! What if I do not like any of them? What if I have to live in Antarctica?

A state will never give more than it takes in, because in order to perform state functions it is necessary to maintain the administrative apparatus.

And yet different states have different efficiencies.

The state itself would not be needed at all, if one could do everything on one's own.

This suits only cosmopolitans. Patriots do not accept it. By the way, my son has been living in Germany for more than 20 years. I'm a bad parent, I couldn't bring up a patriot). I joke when talking to him on Skype: "German tanks are already in the Baltics, and you are in the den of the enemy. Ready to do good for the motherland and become Stirlitz No. 2?")

Cosmopolitanism is the only sensible choice, it is unwise to associate oneself with a territory just because one was born there, because the fact of birth is random regardless of personal choice.


Cosmopolitanism is the only sensible choice, it is not sensible to associate oneself with a territory just because one is born there, because the fact of being born is random, independent of personal choice.

Not everyone would agree with this. For many the word Motherland, the small motherland, is not an empty word. Have you never felt nostalgic? Or were you born in the USA?


Not everyone would agree with this. For many, the word Homeland, the small motherland, is not an empty word. Have you never felt nostalgic? Or were you born in the USA?

My homeland is the Milky Way.

More precisely: the Pisces-Kita Wall, the Laniacaea Galactic Thread, the Virgo Superscope, the Local Group of Galaxies, the Milky Way Galaxy


My homeworld is the Milky Way

More precisely: Pisces-Kita Wall, Galactic Laniacaea Thread, Virgo Superscope, Local Group of Galaxies, Milky Way Galaxy

You're mixing up the tracks. Interpol must be after you. Confess which bank's assets you stole and took offshore?


Cosmopolitanism is the only sensible choice, it is unwise to associate oneself with a territory just because one was born there, because the fact of birth is random, independent of personal choice.

Then we can conclude this passage to its logical conclusion. ...And in the event of war it is better to immediately surrender, because it is unwise to associate oneself with a territory, where it is warmer and more nourishing, there is the homeland. The rest of my relatives and graves of my ancestors can somehow manage without me, and in general - it's all vanity...)))

Have you felt anything in your chest or are you devoid of sentimentality? Apparently you are young enough and do not understand what the Fatherland is. But the former White Guards did understand and some of them, being already at an advanced age, applied for Russian citizenship to die in their homeland.


You're confusing the trail. Apparently Interpol is after you. Confess which bank's assets you stole and took offshore?

I respect the criminal code... ...especially since there are 400 comparatively capitalist ways to steal money 😋



She's so ugly, mummy! 😱


In the case of war it is better to surrender immediately, because it is unwise to associate oneself with a territory, where it is warmer and more prosperous, there is a homeland. The rest of my relatives and graves of my ancestors will manage somehow without me, and in general - all this is vanity ...)))

Look at the planet from space and you won't see any national boundaries.

Lift yourself up above the commonplace and try to see the whole process of continuous formation in its integrity, existential performance of Being itself, a fractal picture with patterns of life and death - and then you'll understand that there's no point in dying for someone else's dividends, for the interests of local kings/oligarchs or even for symbolic graves of ancestors, it's just stupid, why, for what?

After all, we are given the opportunity to contemplate this wonderful picture of the Absolute unfolding, to explore the mysteries and subtle facets of objective reality and our own psychic space, to enjoy philosophy and art, and instead you propose to die in a war - no thanks.

All the more so because there will always be less conscious and more hotheads who will gladly sacrifice themselves in the flames of the eternal war of mankind with themselves.

Has nothing moved in your chest, or are you devoid of any sentimentality? Apparently you are still young enough and do not understand what the Motherland is. But the former White Guards did understand, and some of them, being already in their old age, asked for Russian citizenship, so that they could die in their homeland.

In any case, Russia is not the best candidate for the homeland.


Cosmopolitanism is the only sensible choice, it is not sensible to associate oneself with a territory just because one is born there, because the fact of birth is random, independent of personal choice.

Is it reasonable to associate yourself with your parents? Race? Gender? Physical attributes? All of this is also a random fact, but there will be no other. What cards you dealt, that's how you play.


Is it reasonable to associate yourself with your parents? With race? Gender? Physical parameters?

Here's an interesting (and manipulative in my opinion) parallel when you start to link parents and country - for what reasons do you do so?

I feel the wildest cringe when the personification of Motherland is thrust upon me, it is some kind of monstrous mental perversion, deceit and charlatanism.

Equally, when they start talking to me about the Duty, for example, I already know in advance that it's manipulation and an attempt to brainwash me.

What cards are dealt, that's what we play.

Yeah, and add this awful phrase: where you were born and where you came in handy 😀.

It's all a random given too, but there won't be another one.

There are people who accept the given and give up, and there are those who change that given.