

Looking for an investor! successfully trading since May 2017. i can send you the results on email. Yield from 20% per month. ***

below is a file with a detailed report from the beginning of the year


Looking for an investor! successfully trading since May 2017. i can send you the results on email. Yield from 20% per month. ***

below is a file with a detailed report from the beginning of the year

If there is a trading strategy - make a ToR and create a job in Freelance service - you will make a trading robot on your strategy.

Added: I see you create clones of the same topics (INVESTOR). is not a free electronic message board. But it is always possible to interest the public by creating a description of a strategy and posting comments on trades, not just pictures, and justify (in terms of your strategy) your trades. It's especially interesting when they FIRST write the rationale and then compare the results. When people see something interesting, there will always be someone who will even write code and post it in your thread.

This way, everyone benefits: You get the EA code for your strategy and the community something new in terms of implementation.

my robot strategy won't work
I can't get a robot to use my strategy.

Judging by the chart, no investors will be found either.

I'm constantly withdrawing money from the deposit. that's why the graph is like this. if you are interested i can email you my results
I now have a client who has given me $870 to manage. I can send you the username and password of the investor.
So start monitoring these trading accounts. If you're a good trader, you'll make a lot more money on signals...
i got it wrong. i keep withdrawing money all the time. that's why the graph is like this. if you're interested, i can email you my results.

According to the report, the money is constantly being deposited, not withdrawn.

Investors here choose who they do business with.

i have a real account with some capital, not cents or demo, it's free.

you can also connect a live account to the signal

Looking for an investor! successfully trading since May 2017. i can send you the results on email. Yield from 20% per month. ***

below is a file with a detailed report from the beginning of the year

Sell the flat if you are confident in your abilities


Sell your flat if you are confident of your abilities

Loan at 14-15% per annum from sberbank. The stated return on the account is from 20% per month. Taking into account reinvestment, I'm afraid to calculate how much a year will bring in. Enough to pay back the loan and continue to multiply capital


Looking for an investor! successfully trading since May 2017. i can send you the results on email. Yield from 20% per month. ***

below is a file with a detailed report from the beginning of the year

This is awesome. Over two years and over 20% every month. Create a signal on this site. There growth graph ignores withdrawals and deposits and you will get a nice yield graph.

A similar signal gained around 200 subscribers in two months (that's me Mashkovtsevs, who knows). Even at the minimum price, you will earn around 5000 c.u. a month. In addition, investors will start coming to you on their own.