Regularity or Randomness - page 7


Only a fool does not see the obvious.

Martin Cheguevara:

Only a fool does not see the obvious.

and the wise man does not look in the tester :-)


martin - rules !

At a potential failure you just have to "step on the gas" :-) and the volumes will correct the balance

Martin Cheguevara:

Only a fool doesn't see the obvious.


Martin Cheguevara:

God in controlling you and me and the whole world never argues for his actions

Martin Cheguevara:

that's exactly what you are absolutely right!

This is the only way to go from just an expert to the hand of Soros.


How could God, the right hand of billionaire Soros and your avatar depicting the executioner of the Inquisition from the bearded ages, blend into one disparate pile?

Don't answer that - rhetoric...

Martin Cheguevara:

Let's see who thinks what about it;)

  • Lawfulness
  • Randomness

No one knows, but everyone believes there is a pattern and is looking for it. If they didn't believe, they wouldn't be looking and no one would be here.

Only our (the crowd's) decision-making can be considered random in the market.
Because the only unpredictable element in the market is the crowd.
The result of our actions is pushed "into the lane" by the big players as they need it.
This is where the patterns emerge.
There is no need to separate the two concepts, they exist simultaneously.
Andrey Gladyshev:
Only our (the crowd's) decision-making can be considered as random in the market.
Because in the market there is only one unpredictable element - the crowd.
The result of our actions is pieced together by the big players in the way they want it.
This is where the patterns emerge.
There is no need to separate these two notions, they exist simultaneously.


Regularities are separate and nobody cares about the opinion of the crowd: the crowd always follows the leader and the leader is alone!

In general, the opinion that the crowd rules the market is a PRINT by western gurus.... It's more profitable for them... Well, THEY won't tell the ACTUAL market situation.... Why would they want to do that? It's easier to "get the fool into the crowd" - it's easier to manipulate the process... and more of THEIR profit... Don't forget that statistics ( 95% drain ) haven't been disproved yet!

Serqey Nikitin:


Laws are separate and nobody cares about the opinion of the crowd: the crowd always follows the ringleader and the ringleader is alone!

In general, the opinion that the crowd runs the market is a PRESCRIPTION by the Western gurus.... It's more profitable for them... THEY will not tell the ACTUAL situation in the market... Why would they want to do that? It's easier to "get the fool into the crowd" - it's easier to manipulate the process... and more of THEIR profit... Don't forget that statistics ( 95% drain ) haven't been disproved yet!

I didn't say that the crowd drives the market. Not a word about it at all.
The big man uses what the crowd gives out and just waits for the moment
when that crowd starts believing what's good for them.
And then he takes it out. The crowd also earns along with such takeovers.
Only those, who start earning, will also be carried out, but later.
We don't get out when we're in a state of euphoria
and that's why we're helped out. At zero or minus.
The crowd doesn't run the market. I wrote above
"The result of our actions is being pushed around by the big players as they need it."

Andrey Gladyshev:

I didn't say that the crowd drives the market. Not a word about that at all.
The big man uses what the crowd gives out and just waits for the moment
when that crowd starts believing what's good for them.
And then he takes it out. The crowd also earns along with such takeovers.
Only those, who start earning, will also be carried out, but later.
We don't get out when we're in a state of euphoria
and that's why we're helped out. At zero or minus.
The crowd doesn't run the market. I wrote above
"The result of our actions is being pushed around by the big players as they need it."

Why even talk about a dead-end road? The Crowd has no effect on the market whatsoever! If 95% are losing, then why even talk about the Crowd? 95% is the Crowd, and they are losing!!!!

Well explain EXACTly why all this reasoning: "what the crowd gives out and just waits for the moment when this crowd starts to believe in what is profitable for them." or "Together with such takeaways the crowd also earns." ... Idiocy! Talking about the actions of 95% of the losers...

Serqey Nikitin:


Regularities are separate, and no one cares about the opinion of the crowd: the crowd always follows the leader, and the beater is alone!

In general, the opinion that the crowd is controlling the market is a RECLAIM of western gurus... It's more profitable for them... THEY are not going to tell the ACTUAL situation in the market... Why would they want to do that? It's easier to "get the fool into the crowd" - it's easier to manipulate the process... and more of THEIR profit... Don't forget that statistics ( 95% drain ) haven't been disproved yet!

Sergey, I agree with one caveat: the Leader does not always intervene, but at the right moment! Example

Let me explain the first line: At the beginning of the experiment, i.e. at the opening of the 1st bar, the pressure of the virtual historical prices was +6.63 conventional price units, which the market has to compensate for in the future. The effort of the 1st bar manages to soften the historical shock a little, by -2.12 units, but the 2nd and 3rd bars hit by 1.56 and 2.12 units, aggravating the situation. It remains for VOHAK on the 4th bar to strike a decisive counter-strike of -6.23 virtual price units at once. to stabilize the market by the time the current 5th bar opens! It appeared to everyone that, the market had "accidentally" sagged!

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  • 2019.03.21
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