My approach. The core is the engine. - page 43

Реter Konow:

Where do you want the item values to be stored?

Initially, element values can be set in the constructor and can also be set by the EA on Inite.

The engine is obliged to store the values of the element parameters. Otherwise, it won't be able to process them when the user interacts with the elements.

That is, when the slider handle is moved, the value will not change on the engine side, and then, the user will have to keep track of the value himself.

There are a huge number of other nuances.

For example - synchronization of parameter values between elements. It has to be set on constructor level.

(Ask Oleg Papkov. I implemented synchronization of his elements. He changes position of the slider, and in the input fields in different windows the values change. And all this works at engine level).

Otherwise, all this has to be done by the user himself.

And this, - is not for the masses.

Basically I don't understand anything, I'm from another sect, but I understood that if you restart the terminal, everything will fall apart? Yes?

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Fucking hell! Give me two...

It's never happened before and here we are again.)

It's the miracle of miracles when changing one thing changes another.

You should think of what you are bragging about :-)

Where do you see bragging? In the explanation of technology?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Basically didn't understand anything, I'm from a different sect, but understood that if you restart the terminal, everything crumbles? Yes?

You could save in parameter values to a file. I'll think about it.

Реter Konow:

It is possible to save in parameter values to a file. I will think about it.

But I don't see the point in it. So, the Expert Advisor will restart and what?

Peter, can you explain one more question, how is this gui better than the normal EA properties window? What does it do that cannot be changed through the normal properties window? And what is the special value of changing these parameters through the gui rather than through the properties window?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Piotr, can you explain one more question: how is this gui better than the standard EA's properties window? What does it do that cannot be changed through the normal properties window? And what is the special value of changing these parameters through the gui and not through the properties window?

Classic question from this forum.))

Why do we need a trading platform? And why do we need trading robots? And why is it better than baking cakes and selling them at a stall?

Just kidding of course.

I do not have an answer.

ZS: You can't implement semi-automation through the properties window. So it's impossible to conquer the field of manual trading. So, it is impossible to get out of the tester grails and get to a higher level.
Реter Konow:

Where do you see bragging? In explaining the technology?

Where is the technology? So far you can see a throwback of 10 to 15 years.

Реter Konow:

Classic question from this forum.))

Why do we need a trading platform? And why do we need trading robots? And why is it better than baking cakes and selling them at a stall?

Just kidding of course.

I don't have an answer.

SZY. It is impossible to implement semi-automation through the properties window. So, it is impossible to conquer the field of manual trading. So, it is impossible to get out of the tester grails and get to a higher level.

You don't understand what they're trying to tell you. You're trying to put your labour into the wrong segment. Your GUI must (no, well, no one must of course - do not take the linking game as a hint) be connected simply through, for example #include <GodPeter\Tru-La-La-GUI.mqh>.

And already as part of the program should send events to it. That's all. The user receives and processes them.

You have invented yet a pig-headed communication with sending back and forth, with your own markup language, which still needs to be studied. Anyway, this beast is not going to reach the masses. Sorry for the truth. I understand that you, as an artist, need the admiration of the nobles, but so far there is nothing.

Реter Konow:

Classic question from this forum.))

1. why do you need a trading platform? 2. Why do we need trading robots? Why is it better than baking cakes and selling them in a stall?

I am kidding, of course.

I do not have an answer.

ZS: You can't implement semi-automation through the properties window. So, it is impossible to conquer the field of manual trading. So, it is impossible to get out of the tester grails and get to a higher level.

So why can't you implement semi-automation through the property window? What difference does it make whether to enable or disable something through the properties window, or through an additional interface (except that in the second case the costs increase)? So the question repeats itself - what can be done through your gui that cannot be done through the normal properties window?

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Piotr, can you explain one more question, why this gui is better than the standard EA properties window? What does it do that can't be changed through the normal properties window. And what is the special value of changing these parameters through gui, rather than through the properties window?

It just might be more convenient, Dimitri.

I understand Peter's GUI very well. Sometimes it makes sense to put some parameters in separate panels, to place slider buttons and other controls conveniently. And to do it in a different way than the standard interfaces offer.

The issue, as it seems to me, is somewhat different - the complexity of support (remembering where and what indexes, in what order and what they mean is very difficult), and the target audience (people who would know programming well enough, but who prefer to trade manually, in my opinion, are very few).

Peter believes that semi-automatics are the future. That's what he's counting on by releasing a library like this.

But, personally, I have great doubts both about the "future of semi-automatics" and the fact that there are many people who know how to program, but trade manually.