Psychology. Is lack of money a shame or not? Victories in trading and in life.


Have you noticed? We are all roughly in the same swamp.

Someone has an income of $500, someone has a little more, because he writes his own bullshit code and cheats by selling it to newbies.

And when somebody has problems, we all start to kick him for nothing, because it's a shame not to have money.

So the question is, if you've poured your bankroll - is it a shame or not?

Write your stories/bikes and your personal opinion.

Ivan Gurov:

Have you noticed? We're all roughly in the same swamp.

Someone has an income of $500, someone has a little more, because he writes his own bullshit code and sells it to newbies.

The question is: if you've poured your money into an open market and you don't have any, you may as well ask the question: what's the difference between you and me?

the question is, if you have a bankroll - is it a shame or not?

What do you think of people who blame you for this?

Write your stories/bikes and personal opinion.

Lack of money is not a shame, the shame is if a person without making any effort to have it, their plight is explained by the fact that the wrong people are at the helm of the state, believing that they must redistribute what other people have earned in their favour.


Lack of money is not a disgrace, a shame...

A girl trader? I've never seen that before. How's it going? :)


Ivan Gurov:

because it's a shame not to have money.

There will soon be a bright future and the need for money to survive will disappear. ))

money is a transitional phase between the dark past and the bright future.

Ivan Gurov:

A girl trader? I've never seen that before. How's it going? :)

I'm an old man. This is my granddaughter.


I am an old man. This is my granddaughter.

You could have prepared the man in some way. You can't put information out so abruptly. :))

Ivan Gurov:

Have you noticed? We are all roughly in the same swamp.

Someone has an income of $500, someone has a little more, because he writes his own bullshit code and cheats by selling it to newbies.

And when somebody has problems, we all start to kick him for nothing, because it's a shame not to have money.

Actually the question is, if you have poured your bankroll - is it a shame or not?

Write your stories/bikes and personal opinion.

What is so under one head of all? You can write and do not deceive anyone.

If a newbie comes to me, I warn them that they are unlikely to be good advisers, and mai recommendeit ist go arbeiten to the factory.

Also, some do make money from their systems, automated by me.

One even quit his job (over 1K a month).


Shame is when a person behaves immorally. It has nothing to do with money. A single person may or may not have money, and in the latter case it does not disgrace him in any way (unless, of course, he enjoys such a life).

Another thing is if a person has people close to him, who depend on him. Then a person is obliged to earn money to provide for them. If one does not do this, but on the contrary, for example, drinks and drinks away the money, then it is really a disgrace.

Ivan Gurov:

Have you noticed? We are all roughly in the same swamp.

Someone has an income of $500, someone has a little more, because he writes his own bullshit code and cheats by selling it to newbies.

And when somebody has problems, we all start to kick him for nothing, because it's a shame not to have money.

Actually the question is, if you have poured your bankroll - is it a shame or not?

Write your stories/bikes and personal opinion.

What do you think?

Ivan Gurov:

Have you noticed? We are all roughly in the same swamp.

Someone has an income of $500, someone has a little more, because he writes his own bullshit code and cheats by selling it to newbies.

And when somebody has problems, we all start to kick him for nothing, because it's a shame not to have money.

So the question is, if you've poured your bankroll - is it a shame or not?

Write your stories/bikes and personal opinion.

And what does shame mean and how will it affect your life?

Ivan Gurov:

You could have prepared the man in some way. You can't put information out so abruptly. :))

A person who constantly trades on financial markets with high risk has a trained nervous system. So, I think it won't do you any harm).