From theory to practice - page 608


That ineradicable belief in conspiracy theories.

There is no conspiracy theory.

They dumped the money on the market.

Why don't they just take it back?



The way of accepting quotes for statistical analysis is almost a grail.

Why do you think so?


The way of accepting quotes for statistical analysis is almost the Holy Grail.

Take your TS and check it in the tester for ticks, seconds and minutes.


and it has come to your attention that there are irlang flows in the market. the result is ripped pockets.

:))) No, not ripped yet - my main job is saving me. But empty for sure, because my wife and daughter are emptying their paychecks.

So write here your algorithms or interesting researches, maybe together we will invent the Grail.


Von Koldun, for example, takes quotes and time and somehow gets an almost stationary series of something. He doesn't need any window at all. He bluntly slips this artificial series into the neural network and replenishes his pockets.

why do you like the sorcerer so much? did he show you something in private?)


What makes you think that?

Take your TS and check it in a tester for ticks, seconds and minutes.

I use my tester and my ticks data, which no one else has or can have. And since I, out of impatience and thirst for the grail, jump from one thread to another and from one time window to another every week, I have no archives, but some junk...


Why do you like the sorcerer so much? Did he show you something in private?)

Nah, I can see from his drawings that he knows his stuff. I just don't understand sometimes - HOW does he get those?


Every week I jump from one stream to another

so write an advisor and put it on stream size optimisation


I use my tester and my tick data, which no one else has or can have. And since I, out of impatience and thirst for the Grail, jump from one thread to another and from one time window to another every week, I have no archives, but some junk...

it's easier to run several instances (windows) of a trading system with different parameters and compare their performance in real time

two weeks in one


Here's a prime example of what you can get from an ordinary tick series:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

From theory to practice

Alexander_K, 2018.09.13 14:00


That's what I'm saying - you need the freshest, genius charts and bar charts.

And what to do with it?

I have no idea. Let it stay here as a memento - maybe someone will come up with one...


When you have created a grail on these "ears of Forex" - send me a link to the trading signal in your personal message. I've given up...

I honestly - do not know how to work with it.

But, after all - this is an ingenious conversion. I'm sure there are others. I just have to find them...

Natalja Romancheva:

Yield schedule October 2015 - September 2018

Fit interval March 2018 - September 2018.

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and trading strategy testing

From theory to practice

Natalja Romancheva, 2018.09.23 15:41

October 2015 - September 2018 chart of returns


Fit interval March 2018 - September 2018.

That's it, trade, what more do you need? )