From theory to practice - page 609

Genius??? What about the horizontal? Why 0 in the middle of the scale? Isn't it the same data, just divided into positive and negative?

If my memory serves me correctly - if you look at the distribution of increments in this series, it is remarkably similar to the distribution of increments in the price itself.

That is, the person managed to transform the price series so that it is bimodal, and the increments are the same as in the standard BP. How's that? A mystery...

It is 'bimodal' only because the increments are equally positive and negative. If they are increments at all)
It's "bimodal" only because the increments are equally positive and negative. If they are increments at all)

Well, i.e. is it"the same data, just divided by positive and negative? You can check. Although... Still don't know - how to use it :)

If they are increments at all)

The sums of the increments.


:))) No, it's not torn yet - my main job saves it. But empty, for sure, because my wife and daughter steal all my wages.

So write here your algorithms or interesting research, and maybe together we will invent the Grail.

You were given a direction, and that is the most important thing.
A typical beginner begins to check all of these directions, and they all take a lot of time.
Imagine that you had 100 forex strategies on your pencil, and you would spend half a year on each of them, as you did on this one.

Of course, you can come up with something of your own, rather than going in the direction of a strategy that someone else has already come up with, but this is much more difficult.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

There are fish, but not here. And I even feared at first that A_K would find and foul up the fish spots. The first 10 pages.) Turns out he won't.)

But he keeps trying.)


You were given a direction, and this is the most important thing.
on a typical forex forum there are always lots of different strategies: gannets, elliotics, patterns, fibonacci. a typical beginner begins to check all of these directions, and each one takes a lot of time.
Imagine that you had 100 forex strategies on your pencil, and you would spend half a year on each of them, as you did on this one. But if you know the direction in which to go, the time to reach a goal is reduced significantly.

of course, you can invent something of your own, rather than following a strategy that someone has already invented, but it's much harder.

I agree.

I, therefore, have not yet deviated from my TS - although it has not made a profit, but has not shed it either. I will probably finish it by the New Year, as promised.

I will give it up only in one case - if someone presents his entry/exit points + grail state on real trade and says, for example: "And that's how Gann squared works". That's it, what are we talking about? - I'll study Gann.


of course, you can come up with something of your own, rather than going in the direction of a strategy that someone else has already come up with, but it is much more difficult.

The only strategy on the market is: buy cheap, sell expensive. There are no others in principle. All that remains is to determine - where is it cheap, and how much is it? - expensive.

That's what our scientist is trying to determine? - I do not understand.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

The only strategy on the market is to buy cheap and sell dear. There is no other strategy in principle. All that remains is to determine where it is cheap, and how much is it? - expensive.

That's what our scientist is trying to determine? - I do not understand.


Oh, man.

Of course, plus a little bit of calculation to avoid getting screwed.

I'm on day two of my bitcoin strategy...

I've got the market freaking out, the cotier's twitching in anger - with the mouse, it's like his nerves are gone, 100%

i even wanted to show a video of the screen

if he lost the game (about Market), be honest, i'll pass, but no ;))))))

i didn't ask him to play against my game, and that's all he was doing

and here it is, stratagems, fresh from the bench, tested on all gadgets of the market ))))

and here they want to use stats from the Market?

for fuck's sake ...

Yuriy Asaulenko:

The only strategy on the market is to buy cheap and sell expensive. There is no other strategy in principle. All that remains is to determine where it is cheap, and how much is it? - expensive.

That's what our scientist is trying to determine? - I can't figure it out.

Damn, I'm tired to explain - I need the parameter "trend / flat". And only one person here - Bas (God grant him good countryside health and happiness) - writes on this topic sensible things. All the rest is rubbish.