From theory to practice - page 1747


andwith the DAX...

A great tool! fast, sharp... but also one that requires a lot of attention.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

Frankly, I'm amazed at your swiftness. In three days you registered on the forum, got verified as a seller, posted a signal and lost half your deposit on it. I don't know if you are that fast in other aspects, but here you deserved to be listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

I don't have a problem with that. It may happen that way too, you have calculated the risks wrong.


You open and close trades in the plus zone using margin on top of the deposit).

You don't operate with yours at all.

You gain 2-3 deposits of free margin and in this margin you also open trades at the expense of it. In short, the equity is much higher than the balance.

infinitely higher

deposit = 0

deals are open


Renat Akhtyamov:

infinitely higher

deposit = 0

trades open


Got a screenshot?

Or how many are open at least. More than 100? You've already closed 120... I remember.
Or how much is open at least. More than 100?


Now calculate the risk from the depo.

millions (infinity) percent, for we divide the margin by 0

It's the same with the profit.

The grail in a word.

Plato's dialogue Phaedrus describes a discussion between Thoth and the chief Egyptian god Ammon about the invention of the alphabet. Thoth argues that the ability to write down information would make people much smarter, since they would not have to memorise everything, but could spend their minds thinking about it. Ammon, on the other hand, objects, saying that although people are delighted with the invention, they will not become smarter. "On the contrary," he says, "they will become stupider because they will become unaccustomed to thinking by relying on their notes. (Computerisation was not discussed at the time.)
Renat Akhtyamov:


Now calculate the risk of the deposit.

Millions (infinity) of interest, for we divide the margin by 0.

Same story with the profits.

The grail in a word.

Longest trade up to a year?

Or in packs? Have you ever seen a clean terminal without any trades?

Longest transaction under a year?

Or in packs? Have you ever seen a clean terminal without any trades?

The timing and direction of the deals is irrelevant

Orders work as long as the system needs them.

And keep in mind that this stratum is limited by the DCs themselves. And volume and quantity.