From theory to practice - page 1363


On this subject I found an opinion of a very respected person, I hope many will understand whose words:

"In fact, anything can be predicted, there are no parametric constraints.However, in parallel to the classical prediction procedure, there is (but not in opposition to) also a slightly different procedure - the procedure of assessing conformity to something.What is the difference between them? In classical forecasting we try to estimate with one or another probability parameters of what the bazaar presents us in future.The procedure of conformity assessment, though based on statistical methods, is that we do not estimate future parameters of the bazaar but parameters of the system itself. At firstsight, the difference between these two statistical procedures is very arbitrary and that is why it often generates various,sometimes heated debates about harm or benefit of forecasting,In classical forecasting sooner or later comes the effect when desired expectation in the mind of the expectant becomes almost axiomaticand it has a very negative effect on the result, because every time it will mean an attempt to measure ginetalia with bazaar or to prove him right.conformity assessment on the contrary does not make any predicates in relation to bazaar, but only constantly compares received a priori statistical targets for the played systemwith what is shown to us in the given set of data.In the latter case, statistical advantage is evaluated by the degree of closeness of a prioritargeting inherent to a given system and current values from the bazaar, while in the former case statistical advantage is evaluated by the degree of closeness of predicted future and current values of the bazaar.If you think about it, the second implementation is more preferable because it atrophies harmful urge to prove anything to Bazaar anduses only principle - if it matches enough - we trade, if it does not - we wait for next trading opportunity.Besides,system targetets defined in the procedure of matching give rise by themselves to estimate other parameters of a possible trade, whilein the classical forecasting, even with a very successful forecast, we can only rely on the one parameter important for us - the entry".

This was written by uncle Yura (Neo)


Did Uncle Yura (Neo) the pontocrat write this?

I'd rather have a gravitsapa auction than Neo's matrix nonsense...

Uncle Yura (Neo) wrote that.

I personally liked it very much

indeed, the post is noteworthy

I would add that the "bazaar" is just a system, a slot machine.

The "system" is a mate machine that pushes this "bazaar"

but the main point is to stand up and not blow the dough


The result of speculative trading in the market will be better for the one who has the best forecasting tools.

The better the forecast, the bigger the profit.

The better the forecast, the less the loss.

Of course, forecasts in speculative trading are of probabilistic nature.

If the probability of forecasts is high the series of deals will give positive results.

It can be checked in the tester.

But in practice few people understand how to do it correctly. They test it for the sake of a nice picture).

Renat Akhtyamov:

I would add that the "bazaar" is simply a system, a slot machine or something like that.

A "system" is a mate machine that pushes you into this "bazaar".

but the main point is to stand up and not blow the dough.

This system is nothing but experiments and it looks like I'm not the only one ....

Aлександр Антошкин:

This system is nothing but experiments and it looks like I'm not the only one....

Unless you are an insider, no system based on predicting the future in the real market is possible.
Only an occasional probabilistic estimate of possible outcomes is possible. In general, the discussion is totally pointless and uninteresting.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
Unless you are an insider, no system based on predicting the future in the real market is possible.
Only an occasional probabilistic estimate of the possible outcomes is possible. On the whole, however, the bazaar is totally pointless and uninteresting.

What's the selling word here, it's obvious as it is for not telling the truth.....

There is no truth here:

No country officers even ex-soldiers No -All traitors !

No understanding of the system as a whole! No coders without a lice complex!

Those who have been to the summer house or to the ...dash .

There is no overall...

...I was out of line, but okay...

In the freelance metokvot sits some schked, The function ne mokvod, even a 30 us-writing can not for example krobka mt not allowed to cut down on beer ...

And there sits another proud one...

That's it!

All the rest rest.

There's nothing to do here, not even a thought

Alexander (topicstarter), how's it going?

Aлександр Антошкин:

No country officers, not even ex-soldiers - All traitors!

That's a good point.)
Sworn not to be spared..., and where have they all gone? )

Alexander (topicstarter), how's it going?

Well, isn't it true, though?
Well they can't even wipe your butt with a burdock .... Ok Google help, shout ............ eh mum.