From theory to practice - page 1269

Yuriy Asaulenko:
A drawdown of 14 with an average profit of 1% is a very unreliable system.

Have you seen a much better system anywhere in the forex market? the stock exchange, but there are limited opportunities for reinvestment.


not to take the stock exchange, but there are limited opportunities for reinvestment there.

What makes you think that? There are unlimited ones on the stock exchange. Nothing.))
Yuriy Asaulenko:
What makes you think that? On the stock exchange it's unlimited. Nothing.))
And you reinvest every month with a 100% profit?))

What about liquidity?
Yuriy Asaulenko:
A drawdown of 14 with an average profit of 1% is a very unreliable system.

It's true that the period of 2 months is very short.
But if it lasts for at least 10 months with this kind of profitability and this kind of drawdown, then it's a good system.

and you reinvest every month with a 100% return?))

What about liquidity?
I'm fine with liquidity.) If you need it, there is no problem. Banks, they play in stocks and futures for pennies - look at their trading volumes (this is public information), do you have such volumes? Unless you are dreaming.)
I'm not reinvesting, I'm skimming off the surplus.
I don't aspire to become a millionaire.))

P.S. It's not the non-linearity of the price that gets me, it's your mentoring tone.

Doesn't your own mentor-like tone offend you?) your level of arrogance is just exorbitant)
Doesn't your own mentor-like tone offend you?) Your level of arrogance is simply exorbitant.)
He's a physicist, a celestial so to speak, he's seen Pontecorvo himself in the corridor, and what are you compared to him?
Yuriy Asaulenko:
He is a physicist, a celestial so to speak, he has seen Pantecorvo himself in the corridor, and what are you compared to him?

:))) Taki, yes, a physicist. I'm proud of it. And I've long asked Bass to introduce himself - to show his degree, his current job (whether he's swinging a pick or shovel, God forbid), or where he works before he retires or is a trader. Some kind of collective farmer, obviously. I have no interest in arguing with him.


:))) Taki, yes, a physicist. I'm proud of it. And I've long asked Bass to introduce himself - to show his degree, his current job (whether he's swinging a pick or shovel, God forbid), or where he works before he retires or is a trader. Some kind of collective farmer, obviously. I'm not even interested in arguing with him.

I have an acquaintance here - a civil engineer, deputy chief engineer of SMU Dubna. He built everything here, including the accelerator.
What have you built to be proud of? You're proud to be a physicist, an institute graduate.
A lot of people graduated from universities here.

Here's how people present themselves on PMs, guys:

"Mechanical engineer (aircraft engineering), maths, psychology and social work, PhD in biotechnology"

I won't name his nickname - but, it's an extremely educated person, his opinion I listen to.

And who are all those people flooding the forum! А? I'm asking you! It's a disgrace and there's no other way around it.