The St Petersburg phenomenon. The paradoxes of probability theory. - page 21

Aleksey Nikolayev:

The general idea of TS will be quite enough for me to say with the same clarity as you say about "buy and hold", why it, for example, wins on the SB, but loses, for example, on the trend.

Mysterious "long term SB trends" will continue to be ignored)

Highlighting areas of price similar/unsimilar to SB - partly similar to my approach, only here it is better to use analytical methods rather than modelling.

1) I'll demonstrate with examples. (It's already Friday, I'll do it Saturday-Sunday at my leisure.)

2) Run the SB through an LF filter. And consider whether to continue to ignore objective information.

3) Modelling allows you to cover the whole picture. That is its great advantage.

Moreover, analytical methods are applicable only to a very narrow group of idealised processes. The vast majority of real physical/chemical/biological/environmental/economic/financial processes do not fit into the narrow confines of analytical methods without significant simplification, such as linearisation. Modelling enables many obstacles to be overcome.
It was through modelling that chaotic processes were discovered. It is through modelling that chaotic processes are now explicitly used in technical applications. And it is through the control of chaotic processes. This is the first time you are hearing about this opportunity. Or are you aware of it?
Aleksey Nikolayev:

Clarify the question, because I don't understand what exactly needs clarification there.

Have you only tried buy and hold, but have you not tried sell and hold on the same data?)


Have you only tried buy and hold, but have you tried sell and hold on the same data?)

Since there is no spread there, the result you are interested in is obtained by multiplying the available one by minus one)


Kudos to you for trying to put some knowledge into this gathering of aggressive amateurs)

Buddy, what are you babbling about? Show me your state and diploma. That's it.

State's in the profile. Or are you looking for one from MT? So MT's is easy to draw, no one trusts it.
State's on the profile. Or do you want MT? So MT's is easy to draw, no one trusts him.

That's interesting.


Some Bass is doing something, whether it's MT or Quick. All right, fine,

bass, you do better than me on december 30, i'll take my hat off and tell everyone you're a genius. Okay?


And, Bas, bear in mind that you are being challenged by a man who actually graduated from the Physics Department of a university. Who holds the title of "physicist" dear. So, what do you say?


And, Bas, bear in mind that you are being challenged by a man who actually graduated from the Physics Department of a university. Who holds the title of "physicist" dear. So, what do you say?

"state in profile", shitty profile on the website, I won't show you the link to the monitoring because secret


And, Bas, bear in mind that you are being challenged by a man who actually graduated from the Physics Department of a university. Who holds the title of "physicist" dear. Well, what do you say?

I once had a friend who graduated from MSU - Mordovia State University. By correspondence.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

'state in profile', shitty profile on the website, I won't show the link to monitoring as secret

what's the request and what's the answer )