Recipes for increasing revenue from the sale of Signals


Interested in both ways: marketing and shit-TS.

I don't know the basics of marketing at all. So I can only say a few words about shitty TS.

Firstly, why a shitty TS? Because if the main goal is to maximize revenues from the sale of Signals, then, obviously, Graal TS is not required. Moreover, they say shitty TS is much easier to write than grail TS. In the future, I will call shit-TC simply TC, unless there is a need for clarification.

So, what characteristics should be the TC in the monitoring, to bite as many suckers as possible (let's call things by their proper names)? Probably need a smooth rising curve - well at least one. The simplest is the Balance. Then an averager would do us just fine. All the more so, it could then be run on many symbols to ostensibly diversify and show activity and versatility on the counter.

Next, we need to get into the top ranks somehow. For that, it wouldn't hurt to know the algorithm for calculating it. You can start distributing a new kind of product in the Market - top-rated signals according to your criteria. It seems the API-Signals allows to create such a product without any special perversions. They can add the functionality to create an optimal signals portfolio and so on. In short, this niche is currently empty. It can be filled.

We need more thoughts on successful monetization. Does anyone have any ideas on how to make an attractive sweet out of crap?

What is the optimal signal pricing policy to follow?

SZZY Moral issues in the branch, please do not discuss. It is for self-education, nothing more.


API-Signals turned out to be cramped: no bidding history to pull out. Especially the history of subscriptions. And we need to build up a picture on the basis of at least some statistical data.

So the first thing to do with a thorough approach is to collect all the changes for each of the signals in real time, in order to view the dynamics separately.

For this purpose it would be good to find out which server-DC is the best to connect to, so that the number of signals for API-Signals is maximum?


API-Signals turned out to be cramped: no bidding history to pull out. Especially the history of subscriptions. And we need to build up a picture on the basis of at least some statistical data.

So the first thing to do with a thorough approach is to collect all the changes for each of the signals in real time, in order to view the dynamics separately.

For this purpose it would be good to find out which server-DC is the best to connect to, so that the number of signals for API-Signals is maximum?

To any server. All the same, you need to get the history manually from the website afterwards.

Interested in both ways: marketing and shit-TS.

Are you yourself the author of any signals to be so dismissive of them? The very topic raised is certainly relevant, and the way it is presented, I think, requires a more respectful attitude. Now, on the merits of the issue:

1. We should abandon the balance valuation method in favour of equity. Balance is nothing and equity is everything.

2. Under market conditions, there is an optimal price for each product to maximise profit and it can be calculated and if there is interest, I can tell you more about it.

3. When putting a signal on display, you need to be very careful in your choice of TS, not as frivolous as you imagine.


I am not particularly interested in this service, but I think that the main way to increase the number of subscribers is to trade profitably over a considerable period of time.

People who have traded become subscribers. In PAMM there are more ways to blow smoke.

You can use any of them anyway.

You've got me fooled:


The client terminal shows signals filtered by personal compatibility with your trading account. No more than 1000 best signals filtered for you are shown.

Demo accounts show only demo signals, while real ones - only real signals.

The peculiarity of sorting is that there is no point in showing more than 1000 of the best trading signals by rating.

Who has any advice on how to collect status via API-Signals?


Developers, help me understand. Is it correct that all ENUM_SIGNAL_INFO_XXX properties can be changed by the subscriber, so there is no need to look at them when evaluating different signals against each other?

Can the owner of the signal rename it?

SIGNAL_BASE_DATE_PUBLISHED - Дата публикации сигнала (когда стал доступен для подписки)

SIGNAL_BASE_DATE_STARTED - Start date of signal monitoring

What time?

No files to pick up (because of the ban), so briefly. Script:

#property strict

#include <Signals.mqh>

// Условие сортировки по доходу владельца сигнала
class CompareByIncome : public COMPARE
  double Condition( const SIGNAL &Signal ) const
    return(Signal.Subscribers * Signal.Price);

  double Compare( const SIGNAL &First, const SIGNAL &Second ) const
    const double Cond = Condition(First) - Condition(Second);

    return(SetMode(Cond != 0 ? Cond : (First.Subscribers - Second.Subscribers)));

  CompareByIncome( const int iMode = MODE_ASCEND ) : COMPARE(iMode)

void OnStart( void )
  SIGNALS Signals;

  Signals.Sort(new CompareByIncome(MODE_DESCEND));

  MessageBox("Best Income:\n" + Signals[0].ToString());


Result on real accounts:

Name: BZTS AutoTrade FXOpen_1 (poovanart)
Broker Server: FXOpen-Real1 (FXOpen Investments Inc.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 224.13% (Balance: 828.60, Equity: 754.91, Pips: 35791, Trades: 2677)
MaxDD: 53.98%, ROI: 114.94%
Rating: 99999059 (Started: 2014.09.11 04:32, Published: 2014.09.11 04:32)
Subscribers: 29 (Price: $400.00), SignalIncome: $11600.00

Broker Server: RoboForex-ProCent (RoboTrade Ltd.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 722.20% (Balance: 25108.87, Equity: 25108.87, Pips: 83067, Trades: 115)
MaxDD: 48.82%, ROI: 702.47%
Rating: 99889178 (Started: 2014.04.03 15:14, Published: 2014.04.03 15:14)
Subscribers: 362 (Price: $29.00), SignalIncome: $10498.00

Broker Server: RoboForex-ProCent (RoboTrade Ltd.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 696.03% (Balance: 8091.27, Equity: 8091.27, Pips: 21927, Trades: 245)
MaxDD: 58.19%, ROI: 674.08%
Rating: 99937901 (Started: 2013.12.18 16:25, Published: 2014.01.17 17:09)
Subscribers: 64 (Price: $35.00), SignalIncome: $2240.00

Name: MBT Trader (mbt_trader)
Broker Server: MBTrading-Live (MB Trading Futures, Inc.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 50)
Gain: 164.34% (Balance: 2742.80, Equity: 2742.80, Pips: 43663, Trades: 356)
MaxDD: 14.04%, ROI: 97.89%
Rating: 99909406 (Started: 2014.09.23 07:16, Published: 2014.09.23 07:16)
Subscribers: 41 (Price: $29.99), SignalIncome: $1229.59

Name: Adaptive Hedge by EA (tradelife)
Broker Server: AGEA-Live (Agea Jinrong DOO)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 750.27% (Balance: 37951.01, Equity: 28548.98, Pips: -374303, Trades: 18527)
MaxDD: 30.25%, ROI: 151.87%
Rating: 99864810 (Started: 2013.03.01 13:35, Published: 2013.03.01 13:35)
Subscribers: 12 (Price: $99.00), SignalIncome: $1188.00


The highest income for signal owners is now $11600. And the signal is only two months old.

Only two of them have this kind of income. The others are much smaller. It is interesting that the fifth place in our rating is a signal with negative number of pips ( -374303 ) - it means that mediators, designed for suckers, find their audience, ready to pay...

The most popular free real account:

Name: Loading (kyolulu)
Broker Server: ICMarkets-Live3 (International Capital Markets Pty Ltd.)
URL: (Real Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 563.83% (Balance: 663.83, Equity: 661.48, Pips: 6127, Trades: 260)
MaxDD: 20.63%, ROI: 561.48%
Rating: 99983856 (Started: 2014.09.15 06:45, Published: 2014.09.15 06:45)
Subscribers: 395 (Price: $0.00), SignalIncome: $0.00

You have to look more closely, in short.

Now the results on the demo:

Name: I raz (lexa)
Broker Server: (InstaForex Companies Group)
URL: (Demo Account, Leverage: 200)
Gain: 180.34% (Balance: 2803.39, Equity: 2244.07, Pips: 17815, Trades: 901)
MaxDD: 20.46%, ROI: 124.41%
Rating: 99882822 (Started: 2014.10.31 17:55, Published: 2014.10.31 17:55)
Subscribers: 267 (Price: $0.00), SignalIncome: $0.00

Name: LucykPNT (mila555)
Broker Server: OctaFX-Demo (Octa Markets Inc.)
URL: (Demo Account, Leverage: 500)
Gain: 170.25% (Balance: 27024.80, Equity: 27024.80, Pips: 6446, Trades: 133)
MaxDD: 25.42%, ROI: 170.25%
Rating: 99917503 (Started: 2014.10.11 09:09, Published: 2014.10.11 09:09)
Subscribers: 143 (Price: $0.00), SignalIncome: $0.00

Name: Billy Gordecky (tradestyle)
Broker Server: RoboForex-Demo (RoboTrade Ltd.)
URL: (Demo Account, Leverage: 200)
Gain: 107.32% (Balance: 17114.12, Equity: 16969.84, Pips: -132036, Trades: 11092)
MaxDD: 51.35%, ROI: 95.75%
Rating: 99999990 (Started: 2014.04.27 10:10, Published: 2014.04.27 10:10)
Subscribers: 105 (Price: $0.00), SignalIncome: $0.00

Not a single paid signal (I guess you can't). 267 subscribers for the first one. Obviously, real signals attract more subscribers.

Well, if you compare the number of published signals: demo - 111, real - 944. No comments.


Now we need to collect the data over time. So you can see patterns:

  • Dependence of the number of subscribers on signal indicators.
  • Dependence of the owner's income on the signal indicators.

Let's win together!