MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 12


You got him mixed up with newdigital, Andrew is from Belgium

Rustam, he may be from Antarctica. He is a Slav and English is not his first language.

Rustam, even if he is from Antarctica. He is a Slav and English is not his first language.

You know everything - enlighten us.
Wait a little, please. No reason to do a mass test now.
Thank you.

I disagree :(
Sorry to bother you with my poor English.
Not all moderators know Russian, actually. We have English and Chinese sections working, and Spanish and Portuguese are about to start.
What about a French section? (What about a French section ?)

You know everything. Enlighten us.

Any English speaker would say... another question...

Well, our brother is "... another question..." :)

Sorry to bother you with my poor English.

You don't bother me at all. And your English is not bad either.

You don't bother me at all. And your English is not bad either.
Can I read as your French? A menos que usted prefiere el español? Of Nederlands misschien?
Can I read as your French? A menos que usted prefiere el español? Of Nederlands misschien?

I don't get it :)

Any English speaker would say... another question...

Well, our brother is "... another question..." :)

Oh, well... but you guessed right, that English is not his native tongue. And yet we are inconsiderate people, discussing a third party in public like this...