MetaTrader 4 Build 529 beta released with new compiler - page 15

Guys if you can upload WebInstall to 532 build on file hosting ...


When opening an indicator using the editor - by default "MQL5" file type is always on

Make "4" or "all" the default or "ALL" and just "MQL"


Igor, thank you!


Is it possible to do something with the encoding. I can't understand anything, especially if I've used a third-party editor before. Bild 532.

And another question. Am I the only one with ctrl+F1 that doesn't work?

One more thing. Very many warnings about implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string' . In my code, I used the '+' operator for concatenation. Will I have to rewrite everything for StringConcatenate() or can I ignore these warnings?


Can we do something about encodings? It's not clear, especially if you've used a third-party editor before. Build 532

And another question. Am I the only one who can't use ctrl+F1?

One more thing. There are very many warnings about implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string'. In my code, I used the "+" operator for concatenation. Will I have to rewrite everything for StringConcatenate() or can I ignore these warnings?

We need to check each of these messages to make sure that it was type conversion that was meant. Where such conversion is really necessary, use explicit type conversion. For example:

string text = "my string";
string str = text + 1;  // Неявное приведение типов - появится предупреждение
str = text + (string)1; // Явное приведение типов. Предупреждения не будет

Can you do something with the encoding. It's hard to understand anything, especially if you've used a third-party editor before. Build 532

And another question. Am I the only one with ctrl+F1 that doesn't work?

One more thing. A lot of warnings about implicit conversion from 'number' to 'string' . In my code, I used the '+' operator for concatenation. Will I have to rewrite everything for StringConcatenate() or can I ignore these warnings?

It says you're gluing text to the number, try doing this

int i=30;
string t = "text";

string txt = t+(string)i;


string txt = StringConcatenate(t,i);

Ok. But why does this warning come up on the StringReplace line? Where do I have a non-string variable there that the compiler is swearing at?

string Struc_setValue(string str, string key = "p", string value = "0", string del = "@"){

        key = StringReplace(key,del,"");
What type does StringReplace return?

Another warning:

possible use of uninitialised variable 'TC_old' sysDT.mqh 33 8

static int      delta;
datetime        TC_old;
bool            TC_changed=false;

datetime TC=TimeCurrent();
datetime TL=TimeLocal();
What type does StringReplace return?

So my ctrl+F1 doesn't work :( I don't know

Another warning:

possible use of uninitialised variable 'TC_old' sysDT.mqh 33 8

The variable needs to be initialized.