Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 311

I see the Joker's been haggling.

and why do I have a feeling the Joker's about to take down all the talkers. Over 10% in profit, 6 days, 3.82 Profit Factor, 0.32 Sharpe Ratio. I've never seen such an ironclad trade.

Do you even look at the account monitoring, or all the pictures in pintbrush?

<br / translate="no">


They'll make enough for one of them, if only a little. Three is unlikely.


It is. In pointbrush. ))

Does anyone here clean up the jerks?

By the way. I just remembered. Are the conditions allowed to open knees at different times? Or is it a doughnut trick just to cover 4 knees at the same time? And the rest as you like.

It is. In pointbrush. ))

Does anyone here clean up the jerks?

State Department, who else. Mossad sometimes looks like a czar. And the freemasons do peek, too. Do you want me to clean up after you?
pppp- O MADRE MIA - laughing and nearly f*cking off my chair .
Aha! I noticed a loss at Joker's, so a batch stopper after all. That's good....
The State Department, who else. Mossad sometimes looks like a czar. You want me to clean up after you?
Why, a couple or three more of these Joker trade entries and the monitoring can be closed with the distribution of ideot medals ))))

BarakObama- aren't you the Joker?

Why the camouflage?