Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 294


No one is going to monitor anything here. The only thing they will do is to throw in a story, and that's it.

And in general, the branch is kept on the new recruits of the Fora, for tray_dun with experience understands that such percentages are a fairy tale.


No one is going to monitor anything here. The only thing they will do is to throw in a story, and that's it.

The main thing is that the system does not lose if the risks are too high, and the system does not lose if the risks are too high.

Tray_dun with experience understands that if the system does not plummet with inflated risks, then lowering the risk by 50-200 times with 95% probability the system will have the right to life. 15000% can always be reduced to say 50% and the risk will be minimal.

Somehow )


A trader with experience understands - that if the system does not drain with excessive risk, then reducing the risk 50-200 times with a probability of 95% the system will have the right to live. 15000% can always be reduced to say 50% and the risk will be minimal.

Somehow )

But it's all on history. people have watched his signals that he published, and he has NOTHING to gain there.
The medal for the best fit for the story is solemnly awarded - Jokery! Pa ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra ra!
He's achieved a fit with 150 times the score! What did you achieve?
They're like little children, for God's sake. Reminds me of the fable of the moth and the elephant ... )))
They're like little children, for God's sake. Reminds me of the fable of the moth and the elephant ... )))
naive simpletons see the common forum liars as gur.
"the elephant fitting the story" - also sound!

The "elephant fitting the story" sounds good too!
Joker, your fans are already taken for suckers, at least save them. )))
PS: the man doesn't want to take responsibility for his words. and he sets other people up. )))
Joker's real account has been monitored online for a long time now, and his system is fully explained, you can see for yourself.
Joker's real account has been monitored online for a long time now, and his system has been fully explained, you can see for yourself.
i know this Necoll's trick, so i will not even go there. but good that you went there, since there is a link.

It's spelled with one "N".

Who the hell needs his "system"?

PS: are you a fan of the Joker-a?

I know this trick Necoll-ah, so I will not even go there. but well, that you went there, since there is a link.

It's spelled with one "n".

Who needs his "system"?

PS: are you a Joker fan?

Chewed up - explained in detail;

chewed up - explained in detail many times.

The syntax doesn't keep up with the semantics.