Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 301


I want to believe that he will come to his senses, remember that he owes no one anything and owes no one

Even a gypsy will divorce you.
I would like to believe that these deals were the first and the last.

Usually the deceived person asks the scammer himself not to provide any evidence.


So it's worth wasting your time and your nerves. I wouldn't.

No! If the monitoring is open, it's open! And there's no going back! The purpose of it was "to determine whether the Joker is a traedoun or a p*****n".

They won't appreciate it, but they'll squeal with joy.

You yourself know that if the results of the monitoring are positive, everyone will believe and admit it. How can you spit after positive monitoring?!

seedormatrasch, it's just that alexx_v supported the Joker. Now he's ashamed of himself, so he's trying to justify himself.


The result of the monitoring will be positive 101% of the time.

But they will still find something to complain about.

They will say that the monitoring is from the broker, they agreed to trick the suckers.

Or they will think of something else, and Joker will still be guilty of something and will certainly have to.

Monitor his real account or else ***.

A screenshot of your bank statement or else ***.

This will never end.

Except that *** Joker needs all this, given that he doesn't need or want anything from anyone in the first place? The question is rhetorical.

I'm out.

Speak up, don't be modest.

Speaking of functions, it immediately comes to mind that a function usually has parameters, e.g. even the simplest trend function has a parameter (slope, trend speed), while more complex functions (broken, curves) have more parameters describing the shape of the curve, number of inflection points, number of periods, degree of curvature, etc. In any case, we can say that asymmetric functions are better for that process which is described by words "moving to positive area", and if we consider this process graphically (which already seems earlier would All this is crazy text, you shouldn't have read it.


seedormatrasch , It's just that alexx_v supported Joker. Now he's ashamed of himself so he's trying to justify himself.

I support what Joker's doing too. And I don't think he owes anyone anything. And he shouldn't get involved in monitoring. Especially if you take trading as a job. At the beginning of May there was a strong correction in the trend synthetics. In a week their base fell from 11 thousand to three.

If Joker had started to monitor then, he would have been more than just spat upon. It's a thread for like-minded people. And they insist on setting up an observatory.


Except why the fuck would the Joker want any of this, given that he didn't want or need anything from anyone in the first place?

I quit.


And, I also believe that he does not owe anyone anything.

Gosh! The "I don't owe anyone anything" stage we're past! We are now at the "monitoring" stage. Don't bring up old stuff, it's boring for everyone. You also bring up the Soviet Union and tell us how we are going to build communism.

And he shouldn't get involved in monitoring.

Well it's not for you to decide whether or not you should, he's already agreed, that's his business.


At the beginning of May there was a strong correction in the trending synthetics. Their base collapsed from 11k to three in a week.

If Joker had started monitoring then, he would have been more than just spat upon.

For early May he was showing a report from the tester and there was a positive result. You don't know how he trades (i.e. he's a jack-of-all-trades) and you fit in for him.

Let's not argue but wait for the monitor results.


I want to believe that he will come to his senses and remember that he does not owe anyone anything, that there are far more interesting and important things to do than tossing beads before swine - they will not appreciate it, but they will spit happily squealing. So is it worth wasting your time and nerves. I wouldn't.

That's what I'm saying, you're not breathing right. But it only hurts you. (с)

That's not nice, when a pig calls people pigs on emotion. Yes, and how can you, here exat and Paukasa runs, it is not kosher to be like that in front of him.



Thanks for the reply, I will go and test the dynamic recalculation .


I'm really baffled by some of the users. Maybe I don't know something and someone will explain it to me, but does registering on myfxbook, somehow, additionally, burdens a trader? When you register there they make you to pedal on an exercise bike for 3 hours every day, or maybe they prohibit you from eating meat? In my opinion, you register there in a couple of minutes and then you do what you usually do every day (if you are a professional trader). You can forget about the site! It's funny to read about poor Jokere and his sympathizers. Or is it another attempt to lick something? It will be interesting to see how you all look like in a while, what will you all be writing then? Although I think some people, because of their feeble mind or excessive credulity, are incapable of understanding anything and are doomed to fail.

And, yes, throwing beads before swine isn't a sucker's trick...


There you go - at least some of the proper people have noticed that the first 6 deals don't need to be counted.

alexx_v and other Joker's lawyers - understand that there is no discussion of Joker here, but just trying to understand - is there any point in this 4-year-old branch

Or it's all P*Z*E* (sorry for mistakes, I didn't go to school), that's what Joker is trying to help us with (maybe without realising it himself).