Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 283


I thought something had changed here... like hell it has. Apparently there's no turning back in this case. So whether it's worth it to do it in a degraded field. We'll have to find another place to put it.

We'll think about it. Apologies for the fornication, I myself have been misled by the belief in the mutability of bad things.

Write in the Transcendrimer branch then.
Then write in the transcendrimer thread.

Either the skis aren't the moderation different there. Heh-heh-heh.

Why the exhibitionism. There's plenty of bicolour exhibitionists here without me, both among the users and in the management.

Transcendreamer, by the way, is a perfectly sane character.


Either the skis aren't the moderation different there. Heh-heh-heh.

Why the exhibitionism. There's plenty of bicolour exhibitionists here without me, both among the users and in the management.

Transcendreamer, by the way, is a perfectly sane character.

ah! you want to talk politics, you old fuddy-duddy, but not about forex? and you get banned for political topics? go to political forums! there, Ukrainians and Russians usually quarrel.
At this forum, the same people from the same forums talk in a friendly manner.
I understand that Ukrainians and Russians like to argue with each other (as residents of neighbouring villages argue about whose village is better, and have a fight village against village), but this forum is not for that.
You want to talk politics, you old fuddy-duddy, not about forex? And you get banned for political topics? Go to political forums! Usually Ukrainians and Russians argue there.
At this forum, the same people from the same forums talk in a friendly manner.
I understand that Ukrainians and Russians like to argue with each other (as residents of neighbouring villages argue about whose village is better, and have a fight village against village), but this forum is not for that.

I did not violate the rules of the forum, I only responded to violations, instead of banning the offender himself and erase his posts, rubbing all who this offender (of certain topics) pokes his nose in his own stupid comnezza.

Went the fuck into interesting and humor ... responded to that which cannot be responded to, what the fuck all sorts of bastards drag here politics, so you bounce, well why bounce here then.

I replied that I was not galloping, but the non gallopers, alas, get rubbed out. It got so ugly right away.

You can see for yourself who and why it's nice to start a shit. I don't give a shit about that village (I didn't drag mine here either, by the way), but I'm being forced to sell it here.

It is what it is.

I did not violate the rules of the forum, I only responded to violations, instead of banning the offender himself and erase his posts, rubbing all who this offender (of certain topics) pokes his nose in his own stupid comnezza.

Went the fuck into interesting and humor ... responded to that which cannot be responded to, what the fuck all sorts of bastards drag here politics, so you bounce, well why bounce here then.

I replied that I was not galloping, but the non gallopers, alas, get rubbed out. It got so ugly right away.

You can see for yourself who and why it's nice to start a shit. I do not give a shit about that village (I did not drag mine here too, by the way), but I'm being force-fed her schizo here.

don't go into those threads, and no one will make you "jump")))
and anyway, it's already too much about politics...

Here in the branch some people shared their thoughts and ideas, others demanded explanations, saying that everything is rubbish (but then they took it back), but after receiving some of the ideas themselves to share refused to share categorically. All want to use only someone else's ideas, yet they will reproach that you do not tell them so trash. They have shown even worse themselves a little later. And God be with them.

Joker seems to have understood how to obtain positive ME in trading outcomes using pair trading, but he does not know how to obtain positive ME for one instrument.

This bullshit in the form of deals will not bring the public one bit closer to the heart of the mechanism by which these deals were opened.

Lately I have been thinking of uncovering this whole doubles trading sham and going to futures markets and equities. So revealing these things would not bode ill for me in those markets.

Alexander (you and I are namesakes by the way), - I'm not going to repeat your system, our systems are totally different. You work with game theories and spins, the description of your system you gave on alpari long time ago, here is your way to get positive MO on one pair:


OOOhhhhh - how fucking hard it is to explain the platitudes....
take the same 50/50 system where the SP is 100 pips (old ones)

i=1 48 || -4805,46 || 50 || 4994,26
i=2 24 || -2402,45 || 24 || 2398,53
i=3 13 || -1301,33 || 11 || 1099,09
i=4 10 || -1000,63 || 3 || 299,58
i=5 6 || -601,05 || 4 || 399,86
i=6 2 || -200,35 || 4 || 399,79
i=7 1 || -100 || 1 || 99,72
i=8 1 || -100 || 0 || 0
i=9 0 || 0 || 1 || 100
-10511,27 98 9790,83


take a first look. Oh, my God - IO is less than 0 - kaput - the system's not working...

take a look at the Shire - MM applies: Geez...Profit is something...
1 -48054,6 49942,6
1 -24024,5 23985,3
0,1 -1301,33 1099,09
0,1 -1000,63 299,58
0,2 -1202,1 799,72
0,4 -801,4 1599,16
0,8 -800 797,76
1,6 -1600 0
5 0 5000 5000
4738,65 -78784,56 83523,21 4738,65_


I work under a completely different system, so we have absolutely nothing to argue about and I don't see how you can have a problem with me in this regard.


Alexander (you and I are namesakes by the way), - I'm not going to repeat your system, our systems are completely different. You work with game theories and spins, description of your system you gave on alpari long time ago, here is your way to get positive MO on one pair:


OOOhhhhh - how fucking hard it is to explain the platitudes....
take the same 50/50 system where the SP is 100 pips (old ones)

i=1 48 || -4805,46 || 50 || 4994,26
i=2 24 || -2402,45 || 24 || 2398,53
i=3 13 || -1301,33 || 11 || 1099,09
i=4 10 || -1000,63 || 3 || 299,58
i=5 6 || -601,05 || 4 || 399,86
i=6 2 || -200,35 || 4 || 399,79
i=7 1 || -100 || 1 || 99,72
i=8 1 || -100 || 0 || 0
i=9 0 || 0 || 1 || 100
-10511,27 98 9790,83


take a first look. Oh, my God - IO is less than 0 - kaput - the system's not working...

take a look at the Shire - MM applies: Geez...Profit is something...
1 -48054,6 49942,6
1 -24024,5 23985,3
0,1 -1301,33 1099,09
0,1 -1000,63 299,58
0,2 -1202,1 799,72
0,4 -801,4 1599,16
0,8 -800 797,76
1,6 -1600 0
5 0 5000 5000
4738,65 -78784,56 83523,21 4738,65_


I work under a completely different system, so we have absolutely nothing to argue about and I don't see how you can have a problem with me in this regard.

Joker, the one under the nickname "rrrr" is not alexander. On forexsystems he said so himself.
Joker, the "rrrr" is not Alexander. He said so himself on forexsystems.

Then it's funny how it turns out - a complete stranger to me with some kind of claims. The conclusions are obvious.


It's funny then - a complete stranger to me with some kind of grievance. The conclusions are obvious.

I hope you won't be too offended that I discovered the algorithm using your system on a third-party forum.... i would like to ask what method you use to determine the similarity of two time series, i've read a lot on the net and only "the Tale's discrepancy" is the best working one.... can you tell me what?