Not the Grail, just a regular one - Bablokos!!! - page 273


Yeah right, wolves are scary, Banker over there wrote you right:


transedreamer in his last "cryptogram" in his thread also "said" part of the grail, but to put together a "rubik's cube"

The only thing you need to do is to put together the "rubik's cube" - there are plenty of grails in any chart, you just need "steel gray balls" as Necolla said and patience to check it out. That's it. And you won't guess what Joker made up without deciphering it, it's easier to build your own, and there's no doubt that yours will be cooler than Joker's))))


Deartranscendreamer !

Can you make in the wonderful indicator Portfolio the possibility to set the mathematical function in the input parameters independently, so you can set a sine, parabola and other curves? :)

Can you point me in the direction of his code? - I'll decipher it quickly ))))

No problem, I can even quote the right piece:

portfolios are known to change within certain volatility limits
some would say there are no predefined limits and they would be right
but this is not about hard limits for a specific portfolio
this is about statistical limits of a probability cloud of volatility spreads
this idea can be used for both trend and spread trading
just don't get vulgar and imagine stationary spreads
as well as stable`naya-torgovlya-72.html#post1106099

well and there on the text of the "cipher" all in principle useful in combination with the word "volatility")))

Rough but real example of the grail: you get into buy, and the price goes against you about a couple thousand pips, knowing your volatility limits you suddenly find yourself much lower than your position with the same volume, but instead of the minus in profit, by possessing this skill you won't care about super-duperpositions, you will be interested in them only to increase your profitability to the level of your greed. Notions will change, you will not need to gain profit (it will be a routine thing), but to increase its percentage value, suddenly "steel gray balls" will appear, and one profiter will increase))) That is, opening an order you should not care which way the price will go, at any price movement in any direction, you must know in advance what you will do and do it without hesitation, almost on autopilot.


When it opens up, it opens up a window of opportunity that is 20-30 times larger, so it's not worth it to hesitate at all:

When it opens, along with it opens a window of opportunity that is 20-30 times more meaning and purpose, so to slow down because of the mythical losses at all is not worth it. For conscious type of slowness is more like some kind of S&M, by God. But on the other side of the monitor just people are forced to obey certain rules and this very compulsion makes it possible to take their profiteering share))).

Men, apologies if anything, it was not me who wrote that, but the two glasses taken "on the chest"))))


Petrolhead! stop!!! you swore an oath to the guardians of the Grail, the Knights of the Priory!

too much has already been said, too much, the world may change unrecognizably

I'll shut up now)))) The only thing I will say in conclusion is that the Euro is "licking" all the way through the downward channel I drew back in May 2014, if I had known that when I drew it, Soros would be working in my wipers now)))

looks like doughboys)


In return for your kindness, I will explain to those who are rubbing, provided they rub all and everything, which series of pictures I like best

If you say so, it's done. Let's not spoil Joker's fun.
Matrasych and others - rub the rest of the grail and we'll find out the truth:)
Matrasych and others - rub the rest of the Grail and we'll find out the truth:)
Deleted. If there's anything left, poke around.