learn how to earn money villagers [Episode 2] ! - page 429

Renat Akhtyamov:

I only agree that if you do it right away, yes, the market will take the dough without a second thought and kick the plant out of the market.

So it's not an easy task, really.

But it can be solved.

Naturally, there is no place for indicators in this solution.

I have already written a million times on this forum - first, learn the principle of squeezing the money.

I, for example, have thoroughly studied the work of CME and MOEX.

I didn't trade there, just looked at volumes, watched what happens to price, how it is formed, where it goes and why.

After that, for 4 years I developed a strategy, which copies the work of the exchange.

Even knowing what I have to get, I will not be able to algorithmize it, because their algorithm is super-experienced, at least it seems so for a long time ;)

Where's the money, Zin? Another four years of life down the drain. You all have the same symptom of denying reality. So you find excuses in the form of "everything is complicated", "there must be many different numbers", all kinds of corpuscular-atrophic theories, "mysteries", you can't get away with it, etc.
All you have to do is admit you're sick. The street is cruel and requires everyone to squeeze everything out of themselves to eat their bread. You don't like it, you stomp your feet and cry 'no no, I want to go back to my mum to suckle under the dummy, it can't be that I can't, all it takes is time and lots of digits'.
And you don't know that you are ridiculous and sick.
Where's the money, Zin? Four more years of life down the drain. You all have the same symptom of denying reality. That's why you find excuses in the form of "everything is complicated", "there must be many different numbers", all kinds of corpuscular-atrophic theories, "mysteries", you can't get away with it, etc.
All you have to do is admit that you are sick. The street is cruel and requires everyone to squeeze everything out from behind themselves to eat bread. You don't like it, you stomp your feet and cry "noooo, I want to go back to my mum to suckle under the dummy, it can't be that I can't, it just takes time and lots of digits".
And you don't know that you are funny and sick.

♪ tell me honestly that you didn't make it ♪

but don't blame us.


Renat Akhtyamov:

Tell us honestly that you didn't make it.

but don't blame us.


You won't make it either. You're all handicapped by group 1, 2 and 3 denial of reality. We need to open a hospital here. There are some "Napoleons" of your own, as it should be.

A lot of patients have already been discharged, some are finishing treatment. But they all share the same diagnosis. Just you wait, they'll be knocking on the door soon and bringing the next batch of medication. It's just that everyone has a different recovery time. Some, unfortunately, can only be reformed in the grave.
You won't make it either. You're all handicapped by group 1, 2 and 3 denial of reality. We need to open a hospital here. There are some "Napoleons" of your own, as it should be.

Many patients have already been discharged, some are finishing treatment. But all have a common diagnosis. Wait for the next batch of medication to come knocking on the door. It's just that everyone has their own recovery period. Some people, sadly, only the grave can fix them.
Teach the ignoramuses, give me an idea
Vladimir Baskakov:
Teach the ignorant, give a thought
Run away from here headlong and start setting up a life in reality. The years you spend here are wasted from life, you can never get them back, and they are wasted on idle pursuits, even though you would have already done so much good for yourself if you had channeled your mental resources into real life. Gambling addicts are sick here and deny this fact like alcoholics deny that they are sick. They also beat their chests and shout that they are not addicted and can stop drinking at any time. But those few who manage to see themselves from the outside become normal people and start living a normal life. They are the lucky ones. The other bruised ones stay there, under the heating pipe, and quite consider their lives to be quite good.
oooh how messed up it is :))) milay, even a simple two shorter Mashka will give 11% p.a. easy :))) you must have burned a deposit :))
You won't make it either. You're all handicapped by group 1, 2 and 3 denial of reality. You need to open a hospital here. There are some "Napoleons" out there too, all the right stuff.

Many patients have already been discharged, some are finishing treatment. But all have a common diagnosis. Wait for the next batch of medication to come knocking on the door. It's just that everyone has their own recovery time. Some people, sadly, only the grave can fix them.

You've been ransacked pretty badly.

Probably believed you were going to get rich.

I, on the other hand, had no illusions,

until I got the answer that I could guarantee your earnings on the forex market.

oooh, it's complicated :)))) my man, even a simple two short Mashka will give you 11% per annum :))) you must have burned your deposit :))

Why aren't you an oligarch then, love? It's bad, you're right, it's better to start treatment early. But it's still fixable.

Renat Akhtyamov:

You've been ransacked pretty badly.

You probably believed you were going to get rich.

I, on the other hand, had no illusions,

until I got the answer that I could guarantee your earnings on the forex market.

Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for yourself. I have made experiments on real money, but only on small amounts, because it is not my prerogative to feed the dealer. But I pity the patients here.


Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for yourself. If I have ever experimented on real money, I have done so only for paltry sums, because it is not my prerogative to feed the dealer. But I pity the patients here.

That's right.

Even the demo's good enough for testing.

But I've been using cents, it's funnier.