Interesting and humorous - page 31


and here's the second one

it's the same as the first, just the other way round :)

Have you ever seen one of these? (enlarge the picture to read what's written)

This is a screenshot of the "user agreement" when applying online for a consumer loan. It's only four lines, but it's so arbitrary.


Have you ever seen one of these? (enlarge the picture to read what's written)

This is a screenshot of the "user agreement" when applying online for a consumer loan. It's only four lines, but it's so arbitrary.

Vladimir, what do you want? Banks exchange information with each other, credit history and so on. Otherwise, how can they tell who you are and whether you can get a loan
You're funny. If you go to renegotiate a gas contract, install a meter or something else, you will immediately see this wording from the gas, plumbing and telephone companies. They explain you have to "use modern information systems".
If I tried not to sign, they shouted and left me alone.

By pressing the SEND button, you give your consent to the Bank to collect, register, accumulate, store, adapt, modify, renew, distribute (realise, transfer), use, process, anonymise, destroy any of your personal data and access by third parties, to any of your personal data for the purpose of the Bank's banking and/or business activities. This consent is unconditional, irrevocable and of unlimited duration.

That's what killed me - they can give customer information to anyone - no banking secrecy. :(


By pressing the SEND button, you give your consent to the Bank to collect, register, accumulate, store, adapt, modify, renew, distribute (realise, transfer), use, process, anonymise, destroy any of your personal data and access by third parties, to any of your personal data for the purpose of the Bank's banking and/or business activities. This consent is unconditional, irrevocable and of unlimited duration.

That's what killed me - they can give customer information to anyone - no banking secrecy. :(

Yeah, I'm shocked 8-0 myself.


no bank secrecy. :(

what is it? :)

Banking secrecy in Russia

The most curious thing here is the link to Russian Wikileaks. And it works! In test mode I found where my friends flew to, what companies they worked for, etc. On Sunday in a sauna I will ask my friend how he managed to lose his passport in 2007? :))
The most curious thing here is the link to Russian Wikileaks. And it works! In test mode I found where my friends flew to, what companies they worked for, etc. On Sunday in a sauna I will ask my friend how he managed to lose his passport in 2007? :))
is there such a system for the Ukraine?