Interesting and humorous - page 37

the shooting of the hypnotist was amusing
Why did he bring it to a firing squad?
Why did he bring it to a firing squad?

That's his way of making fun of him, taking advantage of his impunity! Well, or... he's... ...he's having a "want to live, you'll be able to do it differently" kind of moment.
Why did he bring it to a firing squad?
Why? Legitimately inflicted a decent loss of life on the enemy, having first gathered them in one place with loaded weapons. Or chase after every...
Stock market in panic - Moldovan dill prices soar again

Nice!!! My wife is making a rubber band

+100500 really :))))))))

славянское решение...

It won't work. The chopstick spread with a clothespin solution is very small. You can only eat ginger and rice or something thin with it. It's hard to get a roll.

The rubber band, yes - it's attached at the top, not in the middle.

What's the problem with eating with chopsticks? It's realistic to grab a whole cutlet without the aid of chopsticks - and it won't fall off.
The more Slavic spirit, the harder it is. There was a time when I chewed only with chopsticks - very useful, by the way - it develops the hand micromotility - as they say in the East, the points on the hand are comparable to the corresponding internal organs. That's why they are so healthy in the East.