Interesting and humorous - page 218


Thanks, good clip.

You can't get far with just a pin code, you have to steal the card as well.

No, you don't - you just need the number besides the pin.
You can take a photo or video of the number while the person with the card is standing in line or talking to the cashier
No, it's not - you just need its number except for the pin.

how so?

what to do with this pin without a map?

it's not a cvc


how so?

what to do with this pin without a map?

it's not a cvc.

in some online shops even the card number and name on the card is enough


In some online shops, even the card number and the name on the card is enough


it's probably a rewards card that works.

If you make any payment, be sure to fill in the fields and the cvc.

the pin code is for ATM/terminal only



it's probably a savings card with rewards that will do the trick.

When making any payment, please fill in all the fields and the cvc.

pin code is for ATM/terminal only!

I know!

well, that's how it was last year


I'll give it to you!

Well, last year it was.

No, last year it was possible sometimes not to enter the cvc - I booked a hotel and instead of the traditional yellow Raiffanz window I got a confirmation of the transaction immediately, apparently it was a pre-blocking

in some online shops even the card number and name on the card is enough

and the order is sent to your address,

and the order will arrive at the appointed time


and send the order to your address,

and the order will arrive at the appointed time

the online shop's courier didn't have to come to your flat - he could deliver the parcel to your doorstep, home, etc.
the online shop's courier did not necessarily come to your flat - he could have delivered the parcel to your doorstep, house, etc.

the courier could be,

and these come to the bedside at 5:30 in the morning
